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Saturday, July 11, 2015

Community Facilitator / Community Development Worker Job at Ethiopian Somali Development Association - 2015

Vacancy Announcement:- ESDA/001/2015

Code:  001

Programme/Unit: RIF project 

Place of Work: One woreda under the following zones; Siti, Nogob,  or Afder  

Number  of Positions: 19- one person per woreda above mentioned zones.

Length of Contract: Initial 1 year with possibility of extension to 2 more years

based on performance . 


Ethiopian Somali Development Association( ESDA) Partnered with SOMALI Regional Health Bureau to implement a Community-Based Reproductive, Maternal, and Neonatal Health (RMNH) Initiative with the funds secured from Department for International Development (DFID) through Federal Ministry of Health a period of three years with the aim of improving the health status of mothers and newborns in 47 targeted pastoral districts of Ethiopian Somali Regional State. Through the RIF (RMNH) Initiative and as it is indicated in the project document the major focus of the intervention is to improve the use of modern family planning methods within the project areas; to improve maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH); and to decrease the incident of harmful traditional practices. In addition the centre point of this important intervention will be increasing access and referral linkage to quality antenatal, skilled delivery care and postnatal care, strengthening reproductive health and creating information access. 

The overall goal of the proposed proposal is to complement ongoing efforts to increase access and utilization of RMNH services for poor and underserved communities and to contribute to the goals outlined in ESRS Health Sector Development Plan (HSDP IV) and the specific objectives are as follows; (a) To increase uptake of culturally acceptable and appropriate RMNH services for women and youth in program districts, (b) To improve community attitudes to RMNH needs of women and youth, (c) Women and girls empowered and confident to make healthy RMNH choices and access services, and (d) To enhanced accountability and responsiveness of service providers to communities and women. 

The project will be implemented by a consortium of three organisations (Ethiopian Somali regional health bureau in 24 woredas, Ethiopian Somali Development Association (ESDA) in 19 woredas and Aged and Children Pastoralists Association (ACPA) in 4 woredas.) total in 47 woredas of Ethiopian Somali Regional State. Ethiopian Somali regional health bureau is the consortium lead for the overall management of the sub-contract as well as technical lead for the project. 

Ethiopian Somali Development Association is recruiting 19 experienced and competent Community Facilitator / Community Development Worker (CF/CDWs) to work directly under RIF health Officers for day to day operational management support and work closely under RIF health Programme Coordinator/Officers for technical support and leadership in the implementation of project activities in the woredas as per the strategy and plan agreed for RIF programme. Each of the Community Facilitator / Community Development Worker will work in close collaboration within the woreda and zonal-level technical team including project officers, construction engineers and M&E officers to ensure integrated approach in implementation of the programme activities as well as kebele/wreda level community structures, CBOs, woreda-level government counterparts in the woreda health office and operational teams of ESRSHB in the woreda of his/her responsibility.

Job Purpose

The post holder works with particular geographical community in order to collectively bring social change, empowerment and improve quality of life. S/he mobilizes and motivates the community to critically discuss their situation and their roles and contributions in all decision making process and activities that affect their lives and the life of their community.  The post holder will closely work with community members, community leaders and  government Health Development Agents/Army & health extension  workers  to help them tap in to their own knowledge and resource, provide them with latest scientific results, methods and techniques to increase their knowledge on RMNH issues, improve quality care and access to an updates health information (Sexual and Reproductive health information) where he/she is assigned .S/he ensures real community participation in different stages of project cycle and facilitates a process of youth and women empowerment, learning and action as well as behavioural change. The Community facilitator/Community Development Worker will be responsible for strengthening relationships with the intervention communities in the RIF Project woredas. The post holder will support the health project officers in activating/strengthening community based structures through various activities and also support the implementation of Capacity building, construction of Maternity Waiting Homes, and IEC/BCC activities.

Key Accountabilities

Mobilize the community together with project officer and Government Development Agents/Army (DAs) and Health extension workers(HEWs) as appropriate for participation in planning, implementation and monitoring of activitiesCarry out the day-to-day implementation and monitoring of activities at community levelFacilitates a process of community empowerment, learning and actionEngage communities actively in making sense of the issues which affects their own healthy and lives, setting goals for improvements and taking action through empowerment and participative processConduct data collection, tabulation, analysis, documentation and dissemination Ensure participatory monitoring and evaluation of existing projects (local people are active participants-not just source of information)Acquire accurate information about selected beneficiaries/ committeesActing as facilitator to promote self-help and  other social groups in the communityParticipate in Planning, coordinating meetings and  other events at woreda and kebele levelDisseminates latest key Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn Health Messages to community members/groups  Use a variety of extension teaching methods which are suited to the situation and build the capacity of community and extension agents-knowledge, and skills Facilitates regular community meetings to discuss issues pertinent to program implementation and long term community health development;Identify and document problems of rural people that needs further scientific research in order to get them solved Develop a simple and sustainable supervision and monitoring system to guide the communities in monitoring project activities Bring a psychological change in the minds (behavior & attitude) of the rural people who are in favor of adopting better ways of life.Empowering local people to assume an active role in analyzing their RMNH conditions, problems, and potentials in order to see  a change in their situations through collective action Participate in and carry out needs assessment for health (RMNH) interventions.Facilitate involvement of larger community in management of RMNH health issues through the representative structures at the community level- HDA, the Health committees, Mother to Mother support groups, Men to Men support groups, youth groups/clubs, and Centre Management CommitteesCarry out regular monitoring and supervision of project activities as per the action plans and direction of the project officer.Responsible for distribution and safeguarding the project materials and equipment that is being delivered to the field (woreda) for project use.Provide support to project health officer in developing and implement a Community Based Communication strategy Provide guidelines and facilitate the selection of beneficiaries for different interventions  in consultation with  project officers and government partners and community representatives Actively solicit and involve minorities/disadvantage and other underrepresented groupsFacilitate reflecting, experiential learning and sharing of good practices Promote adoption of approaches that leads to sustainable development Empowering community to run their own health through training and exposure Facilitate linkages with other stakeholders in order to ensure coordinated approach Prepare weekly, monthly and quarterly work plan  and activity based report  in collaboration with health technical officer as required Document any experience/learning, achievements, and challenges from the programme implementation for dissemination and sharing widely within and outside the RIF programme Perform other related tasks as required 

Please SUBMIT non-returnable copies of transcripts, academic degrees or recommendation letters with the application. 

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU STATE THE ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER OF THE VACANCY ON THE SUBJECT OF YOUR EMAIL. For hard copy applicants you can directly bring HRM Of  Ethiopian Somali Development Association(ESDA) ensuring that the job title is clearly stated in the cover letter. All applications should be received on or before July 21, 2015.

 Note: – Only screened Shortlisted candidates will be contacted soon.

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