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Monday, July 27, 2015

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL- (RFP -ETH- 2015 – 9120136)- to perform Spot Check of implementing partners as per UNICEF risk assurance plan

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL- (RFP -ETH- 2015 – 9120136)

OPEN for local & International firms

UNICEF Ethiopia Office is seeking Request for Proposals (RFP) from Firm/Company/Organisation – to perform Spot Check of implementing partners as per UNICEF risk assurance plan.

Background:UNICEF Ethiopia uses a Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers (HACT) as a framework for transferring cash to government and non-government Implementing Partners (IPs). HACT calls for adaption of a risk management approach and selection of specific procedures for transferring cash on the basis of the assessment of the Financial Management capacity of IPs.

As one of the mechanisms to obtain assurance of transferred funds for risk management and mitigation, a spot check will be performed by qualified agency staff or an Audit firm. Spot checks are performed as per UNICEF assurance plan, on the basis of IPs risk rating, volume of cash transferred and UNICEF guidelines in order to obtain assurance on IPs financial records and financial management systems of internal controls related to the programme. Spot checks are work plan or project based, i.e. for an IP with multiple work plans, a spot check is performed over FACE form(s) for each work plan the IP implements. Therefore, the scope of work plans and the controls that are relied on may vary by work plan.

This ToR is designed to carry out spot check of UNICEF IPs on a regular basis. Unfavourable findings of assurance activities and risk ratings may result in a reconsideration of the implementation modalities, procedures and assurance activities for that IP. Special Audits may be undertaken by an Audit firm to review a possible or confirmed finding signifying irregularities in the IPs internal controls over cash transfers investigated through spot checks, field monitoring visits and other assurance activities. assess the accuracy of the financial records for cash transfers to the IP, status of programme implementation through a review of financial information and whether there have been any significant changes to applicable internal controls. The procedures are performed to assist in evaluating the validity of accounting records that support expenditures reported on the FACE form and whether the expenditures were in accordance with the agreed on work plan.

Expected Background and Experience.

-As noted in ISRS 4400, paragraph 7, the Auditor should comply with the Code of Ethics for Professional Accountants issued by the International Ethics Standards Board for Accountants (IESBA Code), i.e. integrity, objectivity, professional competence and due care, confidentiality, professional behaviour and technical standards.

-The Audit firm/Consultant should have more than five years’ experience in providing related trainings and experience in applying ISA or INTOSAI audit standards.

More details of the requirements for this bid can be found in the RFP.

How to apply:

Interested and eligible bidders from local organizations are invited to collect the complete tender documents by sending an email to Mr. Ayele Wolde ( or Mr. Deresse Damte ( Starting on Monday 27-July-2015. Proposals are to be submitted to UNICEF Ethiopia Office on or before 9.00 am (East African Time) 21-August-2015 (Friday). Please quote the RFP nr. 9120136 In all your correspondences. Due to the nature of the bid, there will be no bid public opening for this offer. UNICEF reserves the right to accept or reject part or all of any or all bids. ADDRESS: UNICEF Ethiopia, UNECA Compound, NOF Building, 2rd floor Supply Section, Attn. Mr. Ayele Wolde / Mr. Deresse Damte, P.O.BOX 1169, TEL: +251-11 518 4142 / 4167, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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