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Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Farmer Service Center (Packhouse + Nursery) Manager

Title: FSC Manager

Reports To: Director of Operations

Location: Butajira, SNNPR


GreenPath Food is a social enterprise that partners with farmers in three key ways: (1) GreenPath teaches farmers sustainable agriculture techniques using proprietary permaculture approaches, that increase crop yields sustainably and produce high-quality, organic products, (2) GreenPath manages the supply chain, providing farmers access to commercial resources such as cold store facilities and soil testing equipment, and (3) GreenPath develops a strong consumer brand and buyer relationships to connect the high-quality, organic products grown by GreenPath partner farmers with premium consumers domestically and in export markets.

The GreenPath team is currently composed of a small but professional group of individuals with experience working in business strategy and agriculture, at organisations such as McKinsey, Bain & Company, Abt Associates, and the Ethiopian Agricultural Transformation Agency. Each member of the team has a passion for improving the lives of smallholder farmers and increasing access to organically and sustainably grown, high-nutritious foods and is committed to seeing GreenPath realise its core objectives. The team is currently looking to fill a few specific roles that are of high-priority to GreenPath’s success, one of which is a Farmer Service Center Manager.

GreenPath’s Farmer Service Centers (FSCs) serve as support hubs for approximately 100 GreenPath partner farmer families. Each FSC is comprised of a nursery for organic produce, a cold store, and packhouse operations. It serves as the home base for GreenPath’s activities in an area where farmers come to purchase seedlings and sell GreenPath their produce. Additionally, our cold trucks pick up produce from the FSC for shipment to Addis Ababa and beyond. GreenPath is seeking a FSC Manager to build up our FSC in Butajira and ultimately be responsible for all activities at the FSC.

Mission of Role

To design, construct, and operate infrastructure and activities that serve rural farmer communities from an Input and Output perspective; to sell and distribute the highest quality organic seedlings and inputs to farmers, and to aggregate, sort, clean, store and pack the highest quality outputs; to ensure farmers are in contract, and that payments and invoicing happen on time and appropriately

Responsibilities & Outcomes

  • Farmer Management & Contracting

    • Contracts are issued and signed with new farmers within 2 weeks of being selected as partner farmers

    • Baseline survey is conducted with new partner farmers within 1 month of their signing a contract with GreenPath

    • All GreenPath Farmers are knowledgeable about the terms of their contract and relationship with GreenPath

  • Input Procurement, Production & Sales

    • Payments owed to partner farmers are issued (via bank transfer) within two business days of transaction occurring

    • Bank transfer receipts provided to GreenPath by farmers are verified within two business days of transaction occurring

    • All materials needed by the FSC and Agronomy teams are procured and available within 7 business days of materials requested

    • 20,000 seedlings are produced and ready for sale to farmers every month

  • Post-Harvest Management, Storage & Packing

    • Packhouse operations meet EU organic standards and are certified within one month of starting

    • All produce delivered to FSC is cleaned, crated, and placed in the cold store within 2 hours of it arriving at the FSC

    • Farmers wait at FSC for less than one hour when dropping off produce to FSC

    • Packhouse operations manual, necessary physical structures, and equipment and procured and installed at the FSC within 1 month of starting position

    • Ideal cold store temperature and humidity is identified

    • Temperature in cold store remains at the ideal temperature (+/- 2 degrees) with appropriate humidity levels at all times

    • All produce is loaded on a cold truck within one hour of the truck’s arrival at the FSC

    • The Food Safety Certification standards are in place and used at FSC within 2 months of starting position

    • The FSC activities are certified with the Food Safety Certification within 5 months of starting position

  • Other Activities

    • All FSC facilities, including grounds, toilets, building, and seed beds are maintained and in good repair at all times

GreenPath’s Vision – To create East Africa’s top organic food company by creating opportunities for thousands of rural farmers

Required Competencies

  • Experienced and comfortable living in a small Ethiopian town like Butajira

  • Willing to get hands dirty, carry boxes, pick up bugs, harvest produce, etc.

  • Knowledge of Ethiopian fruit and vegetable industry

  • Able to read, write, and speak in English and Amharic (Oromifiya and/or Guragigna preferred, but not required)

Required Experience

  • Experience working in a packhouse operation and/or a nursery (experience with both strongly preferred)

  • Experience serving in a management role

  • Experience working with computers

Preferred Experience

  • Experience working at an early-stage organisation.

  • Experience with financial management systems.

  • Experience establishing cold store and/or packhouse from early stages

Closing date: Dec 11, 2015

To apply please upload your CV and an one-page cover letter explaining why you are particularly interested in and suited for this role.

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