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Saturday, January 23, 2016

Vocational Guidance and Counselor

Job Description

World Together is Korean international relief and development NGO that was established in December 2005 through permission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade with the mission to help our neighbors worldwide who are suffering from poverty, disease and war.
World Together Ethiopia (International NGO) invites competent and qualified candidates for the following position for LG Hope TVET College established at Bole Sub City around Summit area and notifies internally and externally as bellow.

Job Title- Vocational Guidance and Counselor

Duties and Responsibilities of Vocational Guidance and Counselor
He/she must have.
– Vocational guidance and counselor is accountable to the Academic Dean of the College.
– Provides orientation for incoming High School trainees concerning vocational offering
– Assists in individual vocational counseling of trainees.
– Orient new trainees to Institution procedures and the institutions varied opportunities for learning and aids them in field of study selection.
– Confers with parents, TRAINERs or all of them together whenever necessary and appropriate and interprets vocational education to the community.
– Assist trainees to plan, monitor and manage their academic, personal and career development, and on the matters of trainee discipline with administrators and departments
– Obtains and disseminates occupational information to trainees.
– Informs local business and industry of vocational education programs in the institutions and seeks information regarding their job requirements.
– Provides a placement program for graduate trainees and assist with effort to place trainees in jobs.
– Provides trainee information to colleges and potential employers according to provisions of the board’s policy on trainee records
– Guides trainees in their participation in the institution and activities and assist on individual basis in the solution of problems of trainees.
– Remains up to date on changing Job-entry skill requirements makes recommendations to colleges, employers and or related stakeholders.
– Maintain all records statistical data information relevant to the cooperative training to the institution.
– Prepares follow up studies of former trainees in vocational programs for the purpose of improving services and for evaluation. The effectiveness of vocational education.
– Participate in necessary supervision.
– Conduct a need assessment (market and training) to determine training.
– Arrange places for cooperative training program, and involve all institute personal in every face of the program.
– Identify appropriate companies/industries for cooperative training program.
– Prepare annual action plan, yearly budget proposal including cooperative training program.
– Acts as liaison to TRAINERs, parent’s trainees and business community on educational and institution related concerns and also build partnership to work as team to effectively assist the learners in realizing their educational and carrier aspiration.
– Conduct Market, Training need assessment and tracer study.
– Perform such other duties assigned to him/her by the academic Dean.

Education and Qualification- Bachelor Degree or Master Degree in TVET related fields, preferably in Electronics or related field of study

Experience – 4 years for Bachelor and 2 years for master holders in cooperative training coordination.
– Experience in coordinating cooperative training program in TVET institution.
– Basic computer skill.
– Self-motivated.
– Good oral and verbal communication skills.

Closing date: Jan 30, 2016

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How to Apply

Interest applicant is invited to send their non-returnable application with CV and copies of relevant documents through the following address until January 30/2016.

Address: Send/submit applications either to LG KOICA Hope TVET College or to the Office of World Together:

LG KOICA Hope TVET College: In the Premises of Summit Condominium, Addis Ababa,

Tel. + 0118691827; 0118691828; 0118691829


P.O. Box: 20125/1000, Addis Ababa

World Together: CMC Road, Bole Sub City, Woreda 08, Kebele 14/15;in front of Civil Service University, about 50meters behind Palm Building, Tel. +251-116-675101

NB: Please indicate “application for AST” under the Subject if you apply via e-mail.

Job Categories: Engineering and Construction Jobs. Job Types: Full-Time. Job expires in 30 days.

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