Reference Number: REACH/KAP/12/15
Health Poverty Action (HPA) (registered as Health Unlimited (HU) in Kenya and Health Limited in Ethiopia) works with some of the poorest and most marginalised communities in Africa, Asia and Latin America, often in very difficult environments. We work to enable to strengthen poor and marginalised people in the struggle for health.
HPA is currently implementing a DFID-funded project in Mandera, Kenya “Improving Maternal and child health outcomes for 128,123 women and children from marginalized pastoralists communities”(GPAF) and an EC-funded cross border project implemented in Mandera, Kenya and Dollo Ado, Ethiopia “Realizing maternal And Child Health rights in difficult environments”(REACH)
HPA seeks to hire a consultant(s) to undertake an End Term KAP Survey for the REACH project
Purpose of the end-term KAP survey
The purpose of the end-term KAP survey is to assess progress against the baseline KAP data and against the logframe indicators to assess whether the project has met the Expected Results set out.
End-term KAP survey Methodology
The KAP survey and methods will be designed in line with the baseline survey. The data collected is expected to be analysed, disaggregated by age and sex as well as by health facility catchment area, using appropriate methodology. Analysis and interpretation of the results is expected to feed into the final evaluation.
Specific tasks to be completed by the consultant
The consultant(s) will be expected to undertake tasks including the following:
- Develop a survey protocol/technical proposal that clearly defines the methodologies for sampling, data collection, entry, cleaning, compilation, analysis and report writing. (HPA will approve proposed methodologies, procedures and instruments).
- Develop appropriate survey instruments that include questionnaires, FGD checklists, health facility assessment, in depth interview questionnaires, qualitative data collection and compilation formats. Prior to implementation of the survey, HPA will review and approve the tools and methodologies. The tools will be field tested before the actual survey and inputs of the field test incorporated.
- Train, supervise and manage data collectors. Experienced data collectors who have been engaged in other similar surveys will be involved following brief refresher training. Officials from the county government will participate in the survey as supervisors on field data collection.
- Organise and implement the survey.
- Compile and collate the data collected, both qualitative and quantitative.
- Make a comparative analysis of the findings (status of relevant indicators) with regional and national estimates.
- Develop 3 draft survey reports (REACH Kenya project, REACH Ethiopia Project and a combined report for both countries) and submit to HPA for feedback.
- Produce 3 final reports (REACH Kenya project, REACH Ethiopia Project and a combined report for both countries), incorporating feedbacks.
- In addition the consultant(s) is expected to provide a verbal/written weekly progress report and a fortnightly written progress report to HPA.
Profile of the Review Team.
Ideally, the End term evaluation KAP survey team will consist of 2 consultants, preferably with excellent knowledge of hard to reach areas/marginalized areas. The consultants will be expected to work with the project team. The consultant will be responsible for:
- Pre-evaluation /pre-review preparations and coordination of the work
- Coaching any accompanying HPA staff or stakeholder representatives on evaluation methodologies
- Facilitating an in-country debrief
- Writing the draft and final reports
The evaluators have the following, qualification, skills, and experience:
- A degree in public health or development studies
- 5 years’ experience of program and project planning, monitoring and evaluation.
- High level experience of project Implementation M&E in fragile states and difficult environment.
- Some experience/ knowledge of health challenges in a conflict setting.
- Knowledge of the basics of primary health care concept;
- Extensive experience and skills of facilitating participatory and qualitative/quantitative project evaluation.
- Evaluation report packaging consistent with donor and HPA standards
- Previous experience in similar work in Mandera, Kenya or Dollo Ado, Ethiopia would be an advantageous
The evaluation is planned to take place in January 2016. The preparation, fieldwork and draft report writing will take maximum 20 days in the project countries.
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