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Monday, November 2, 2015

Consultancy Services for a Study on Teachers Training Working and Living Conditions


Job Description


In educating towards our common African vision, the teacher assumes a pivotal role. The skilling, conditioning, training, values and attitudes of the teacher, perhaps more than anything else, determine the outcome of the learning process; to a large extent it determines the success of the education system and the character of the graduate of the system. If we are to educate for the vision of African renaissance, then this vision must inform the development process of the teacher, and the conditions under which the teacher is expected to serve.

As the heads of state and government of the African Union declared the Second Decade of Education for Africa in January 2006, it was with full recognition of the centrality of the African Teacher- as demonstrated in the identification of Teacher Development as one of the seven priorities in the Plan of Action. In this area of focus, the goals were to ensure the provision of sufficient number of teachers who are properly qualified, possess the required competencies, attitudes and motivation to teach effectively; Teachers who are properly supported and adequately remunerated. Activities leading to these goals were identified, including addressing the shortage of teachers, improving the competence of teachers, development of school leadership, improvement of the status, morale and welfare of teachers, and enhancement of the quality and relevance of pedagogical research.

The Plan of Action for the Second Decade of Education for Africa (2006-2015) envisaged an education that does not only provide knowledge, but also imbues values and a positive world view in which Africa is perceived in the hearts of the educated as a place of hope that demands the best of them; an education that imparts life skills and entrepreneurial wisdom that perceives opportunity within local and virtual environments; an education that enables us to connect the dots between today’s reality and the vision of peace, unity, prosperity, industrialization and so on; and more, an education that provokes the mind to break the barriers of limitation and see beyond today’s need- the scientific mind that dares to push the frontiers of knowledge to create news futures and development options.

Many children complete primary school without having mastered basic numeracy and literacy skills, and many who drop out revert into illiteracy. Many leave secondary school still steeped in ignorance concerning life skills such as those related to reproductive health, entrepreneurship, conflict avoidance, gender equity, social integrity and so on. There are also thousands of graduates from African Universities unable to find or create employment; are unaware of basic human rights and responsibilities, and manifest no pro-African values.

It is considered that the Teacher is at the core of ensuring a desired outcome from teaching and learning experiences of students. The mentioned undesirable experiences by learners and less than desired outcomes in the graduates of the system would therefore suggest that, among other things, the Teacher Situation must be examined and evaluated. It is therefore necessary to look at the conditions that frame teacher development through training programmes; conditions made available to teachers at work including terms of service, both in theoretical policy provisions and the actual practice; and what subsistence is afforded them in terms of such provisions as housing and general welfare.

The problematic teaching profession in Africa has received much attention over the past decade. A focus on education as a human right and as a prerequisite for development has brought to light the dire shortage of teachers and the inadequacy of teacher qualifications as well as teacher salaries and working conditions in developing countries, especially in Africa. In spite of many studies done and many symposia held on this subject, Africa still seems to be a long way from a solution.

The African Union Commission convened the Conference of Ministers of Education of the African Union (COMEDAF) to establish the Pan African Conference on Teacher Development (PACTED), in collaboration with key agencies UNESCO, ADEA, International Task Force on Teacher Development and UNICEF as founding members. . PACTED provides a space for Ministers of education to come together with all major stakeholders to address the teacher issues in Africa. The AU Summit of Heads of State and Government in 2014, took a decision calling for a survey on the training, working and living conditions of teachers in Member States. This was in response to a COMEDAF VI recommendation based on PACTED advice.

For this reason, the Commission of the African Union wishes to recruit 2 highly qualified African experts to carry out this survey and propose a way forward towards raising the status of the African teacher


The consultants will work as a team to carry out a survey at national and REC levels, to study the training, working and living conditions of teachers in Member States, including issues specific to gender and youth.


The assignment will include the following

  1. Development of survey tools

  2. Mapping out the teacher training, working and living conditions across Africa by country

  3. Identifying existing strategic, progressive and productive practices in development and management of the teaching corps

  4. Proposing a model for teacher valorisation across Africa using all data collected at the national and RECs levels

  5. Proposing a model for teacher training across Africa at all levels including newly appointed teacher, junior and senior level teachers using all data collected at the national and RECs levels.

  6. Proposing a model for schools management and policy making

  7. Proposing policy directions for enhancing teacher effectiveness

  8. Submission and presentation of the outcomes of the study to a review and validation workshop of experts and stakeholders and use their inputs to finalise the output document


  1. An inception report demonstrating the Consultants understanding of the assignment and proposing methodologies and survey tools to be used.

  2. Draft Report of the study

  3. Final Report of the study


  • Citizen of any AU member state

  • Holders of an advanced University degree in Education or related field

  • Work experience of research on education system at the national and international levels with similar assignments in this area

  • Experience of at least five years working on Teacher Development Issues in Africa

  • Competence in English, as well as either French, Portuguese or Arabic languages

This is a non-residential assignment. Any travel necessary for the successful completion of the assignment, duly authorised in advance by the Commission will be paid for at the rate of the most direct economy return flight, as well as a subsistence allowance in accordance with the AUC Rules and Regulations.

Payment will be a total of USD 30,000 for the team for the assignment. It will be made in two instalments scheduled as follows: Milestone

Amount in USD

  1. Signing of contract and initial discussions N/A

  2. Approval of first draft by AUC 15,000.00

  3. Approval of final draft to AUC 15,000.00

TOTAL $30, 000

Deadline for submission of CVS: The deadline for submission of CVs is 6 th November 2015.

Address for clarification and Submission of CVs

Closing date: Nov 06,2015

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How to Apply

Interested applicants shall send clarification requests or submit CVs to: The Head, Procurement, Travel and Stores Division P.O Box 3243, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


Addis Ababa, ETHIOPIA

P. O. Box 3243

Telephone: 251 11 5517700

Fax: 251 11 5517844

PS: Please ensure that the title of the Consultancy is captured in the Subject of your email.

Job Categories: Consultancy and Training Jobs. Job Types: Full-Time. Job expires in 30 days.

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