Duty Station: Gambella
Duration: One year with possibility of extension upon positive performance
Accountability: Ecosystem Management and Conservation Programme Coordinator
Salary: As per the salary scale of the Centre
Deadline for application: 5th of December, 2014
Position Context
The Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre & Network (H0A-REC&N) is an autonomous unit within the Addis Ababa University, working in the area of environmental concerns and sustainable development options in the Horn of Africa with a view to facilitate, strengthen and advocating for initiatives and interventions related to environmental conservation and natural resources management. One of its programmes, the Ecosystem Management and Conservation Programme (EMCP) is currently implementing “Sustainable Development of the Gambella Landscape” and “Strengthening Biodiversity Management in. the Boma-Gambella Landscape” Projects.
II. The Boma-Gambella Biodiversity Management Programme (BMP) Project The main objective çf the BMP project is to enhance the biodiversity management of the Boma-Gambella Landscape whilst improving the livelihoods of the people. To implement this project, the programme works in partnership with numerous key conservation and environmental organizations both in Ethiopia and South Sudan as well as NGOs and the private sector. The main conservation partners are Ethiopian Wildlife conservation Authority, Gambella Regional Government, and African Parks Network in Ethiopia, and Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Conservation and Wildlife Conservation Society in South Sudan.
Ill. Job Summary
The Project Coordinator is responsible to coordinate, facilitate, and organize the implementation of BMP programme, monitor and follow-up the project activities, assess needs in programme design, redesign and implementation, support the implementation of projects, and communicate project information to implementing partners, beneficiaries, donors and other stakeholders.
Description of Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Prepare project’s annual work plan and budget and coordinate the implementation of the project (according to approved objectives, plan of action and budget) and contract signed with partners;
2. Develop and maintains a detailed project schedule, and monitor and follow- up the project activities;
3. Assess needs to assist in program design, redesign and implementation;
4. Develop practical guidelines and methodologies to promote natural resource and ecosystem management;
5. Support logistical arrangements for any field visits/meetings/workshops, as and when requested and feasible;
6. Facilitate, organize, and conduct workshops and public lectures, communicates project information to project partners;
7. Oversee project performance and progress, interact with partners, undertakes field trips and visits to oversee progress of project activities;
8. Participate in the development of monitoring and evaluation frame work of the programme, monitor programme activities through collecting monitoring data regularly from the project sites;
9. Prepare and submit periodic reports on the operation of the project as per the requirement of our partners and donors;
10. Ensure accurate records of the project are maintained and data is collected regularly;
11. Document and disseminate experiences and assessment findings for partners;
12. Undertakes awareness creation work and training on natural resource and ecosystem management;
13. Attend relevant meetings and workshops related to the project and provide public lectures as a resource person;
14. Identify information on emerging issues related to natural resource and ecosystem management, and initiate new projects, and prepare project proposals;
15. Cooperate closely with other programmes and project coordinators within HoA-REC&N and partner institutions;
16. Perform any other duties assigned by the coordinator and the executive director as may be required.
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