The evaluation will be conducted after the execution ending date of the program, after the 30th of June 2016. The intervention has been developed in four actions as already mentioned before in three Woredas (Tena, Shirka and Amigna) of Arsi zone in Oromia region.
The main objective of the final evaluation is to assess the achievements of the program in a comprehensive manner, considering the relevance and quality of its process, appraising the achievement of the expected results.
The specific objectives of the evaluation are the following:
Ø Assess the level of achievement of the expected results of the program, identifying the factors which have influenced and created not expected potential result, changing in the program design and the implementation.
Ø Evaluate the relevance and efficiency of the program according to the context.
Ø Assess the participation of the beneficiaries during all the cycle of the program.
Ø Assess the relevance of the program design.
Ø Submit recommendation and lessons learnt regarding the program.
How to apply:
Interested applicants should submit their letter of proposal, profiles and CVs together with technical and financial proposal until 20th of April 2016 to Oxfam Intermon. The bid submitted by the bidder has to fully comply with the Terms of Reference (TOR) and must contain a brief technical and a financial part. The technical and financial proposal must be sealed separately. Financial proposal must be in ETB.
The proposal shall include:
- Introduction of the evaluator (team coordinator): Name, country, summary of experience and background.
- Introduction of the team work: List of the evaluator team members and their CV.
- Consultancy firm’s experience and portfolio.
- Methodological proposal to conduct the evaluation, according to the Terms of References, including evaluation logical framework designed according to the evaluation’s questions.
- Financial proposal: including consultancy fee, proposed person-days and rates, accommodation, Spanish translation of final report, data entry and analysis, stationery, printing, binding, and photocopying, taxes, etc.
- IO will cover the expenses relates to travel within the country during the period of field work (three weeks according to the Phase II of the evaluation). All other expenses related to the evaluation have to be incurred by the evaluators and shall be included in the financial proposal.
- Any other relevant information as annex.
The complete bid document shall be submitted in soft copy with the reference Proposal for Final Evaluation of Program “TO PROMOTE RURAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH LIVELIHOOD ENHANCEMENT AND VULENRABILITY REDUCTION IN ETHIOPIA”. The technical proposal includes taxpayers identification number (TIN) and copy of 2015 renewed licenses.
Proposal shall be submitted to the following contact email:
The selected proposal can be submitted to AECID for its validation.
Only the selected firm/evaluation team will be informed about the final results of the selection process.
The following criterions will be taken into account for the evaluation and selection of the proposal: clarity, viability of the proposal, technical capacity and experience to apply the methodology and knowledge of the context, intervention sector of the program and experience in the sector.
The proposal will be evaluated according the following:
Cost/financial proposal: 40%
Technical proposal: 40%
Evaluation team profile: 20%
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