We’re Population Services International (PSI), the world’s leading non-profit social marketing organization. We work to make it easier for people in the developing world to be healthy by providing access to products and services that range from mosquito nets to HIV testing.
There are over 9,000 “PSI’ers” around the world. It’s a diverse group of entrepreneurs and professionals with an unusually wide range of backgrounds – all with unique skills we bring to the job.
PSI-Ethiopia, an affiliate of Population Services International, has developed national results-based programs in HIV prevention, reproductive health and child survival. Through evidence-based social marketing and health communications, PSI-Ethiopia strengthens public and private sector partners to help Ethiopia’s most vulnerable people to lead healthier lives.
PSI/Ethiopia is currently led a USAID flagship HIV prevention (MULU/MARPs) project through combination prevention and as part of the project implementation, the field program management team plays a pivotal role in the implementation of PSI/Ethiopia programs. The field programs management team is primarily responsible for the implementation of USAID’s funded MULU/MARPs program.
Join us!
PSI/Ethiopia seeks an individual consultant who will supervise the construction of six pay-for-use toilets at Addis Ketema Sub City. The consultant needs to have Engineering background and relevant license from the concerned governmental institution.
Scope of Work
- Control the quality of the construction through weekly visits to all locations in the sub city,
- Ensure the construction is executed as per the design and technical specifications,
- Provide physical and financial progress report for all six sites every two weeks,
- Certify payment certificates provided by the contractor,
- Facilitate close-out of the construction including producing final report.
Your background
- MSc or BSc in Architectural or Civil engineering
- 8 years for MSc 10 Years for BSc
- Computer application skill
- Communications skills
Are you intrigued? Send us your CV with updated cover letter through ethiojobs.net or the following address below before/on Feb 26
2016 and we’ll call or e-mail you back if you qualify the requirements above.
HR Department, Application for an Engineering Position
P.O.Box 468 code 1250
Addis Ababa
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