1. Branch Manager I
Requirements: BA/BSC in Accounting /Management /Economics or related fields with 7 years relevant banking experience out of which at least 2 years in managerial positions.
Place of work:
Chole Branch, (Arsi Zone-Chole Town-Oromia Regional State), Guliso Branch (West Wollega Zone-Oromia Regional State), Chancho Branch (North Shewa Zone- Chancho Town- Oromia Regional State) and Gasera Branch (Bale Zone Gaseraa Town- Oromia Regional State)
Number Requited: 4
2. Accountant
Requirements: BA/BSC in Accounting /Management /Economics /Banking & Finance or related fields with 3 years relevant banking experience.
Place of work:
Chole Branch, (Arsi Zone-Chole Town-Oromia Regional State), Guliso Branch (West Wollega Zone-Oronlia Regional State), Chancho Branch (North Shewa Zone- Chancho Town- Oromia Regional State) and Gasera Branch (Bale Zone- Gaseraa Town- Oromia Regional State), Debre Berhan Branch, Ejere Branch (North Shewa Zone-Oromia Regional State) and Welkite Branch (SNNP, Gurage Zone).
Number Requited: 7
3. Senior Customer Service Officer
Requirements: BA/BSC or Level IV Diploma in Accounting/ Management/ Economics or related fields with 4 years relevant banking experience for Diploma or 3 years relevant banking experience for BA/BSC.
Place of work:
Chole Branch, (Arsi Zone-Chole Town-Oromia Regional State), Guliso Branch (West Woltega Zone-Oromia Regional State), Chancho Branch (North Shewa Zone- Chancho Town- Oromia Regional State) and Gasera Branch (Bale Zone- Gaseraa Town- Oromia Regional State), Debre Berhan Branch, Welkite Branch, Muketun Branch and Ejere Branch
Number Requited: 8
4. Customer Service Officer
Requirements: BA/BSC or Level IV Diploma in Accounting/ Management/ Economics or related fields with 2 years relevant banking experience for Diploma or 1 year relevant banking experience for BA/BSC.
Place of work:
Chole Branch, (Arsi Zone-Chole Town-Oromia Regional State), Guliso Branch (West Wollega Zone-Oromia Regional State), Cliancho Branch (North Shewa ZoneChancho Town- Oromia Regional State) and Gasera Brand, (Bale Zone- Gaseraa Town- Oromia Regional State), Debre Berhan Brand, and Muketun Branch.
Number Requited: 12
• Terms of employment: Permanent Basis.
• Salary & Benefit Packages: As per the salary scale of the Bank,
• Language: Proficient in Speaking, Writing, Reading, & Listening of Amharic, English and Afaan Oromo.
• Additional/Special Skill: leadership skill for position No. 1 and knowledge of basic computer operations for all positions.
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