Industrial relations is one of key institutions which enables actors to create the virtuous cycle by translating productivity gains into better working conditions, while encouraging ‘good behaviour’ of enterprises which is conducive to better productivity. Social dialogue can be used as an instrument to ensure conflict resolution, social equality and effective policy implementation. It serves the purpose of defending rights, promoting employment and securing work.
Recognizing the value of social dialogue in the world of work, Ethiopia has ratified all eight core ILO conventions. Supporting legal and institutional frameworks are also set out in the FDRE Constitution and the labour proclamation. There is also a national Tripartite Advisory Board established as per the labour law. These and other structures facilitate for the involvement of employers’ associations and TUs in the management of decision making process of the labour administration system.
However, the size of membership in trade unions is very low and the percentage of the labour force covered by collective bargaining is generally small. There also appears to be a tendency of engaging in social dialogue post conflict as a means of resolution. This is also true to ad-hock collective bargaining on wages and salaries. There is also a weakness with respect to statistics on the exact figure of coverage in unionization and collective bargaining and any progress related to these subjects. There is no authoritative set of statistical data that allows for the analysis of trends over time. The few information one can get from CETU and EEF relate only to what they cover and hence not representative and national. Efforts in the arena of prevention of disputes are often not documented or are protracted. These show that Ethiopia needs to build and improve industrial relations framework and practices at national, sectoral and enterprise level.
The study on the state of industrial relations should assess the state-of-play and the level of progress in the implementation of freedom of association, social dialogue, collective bargaining and dispute settlement within different sectors, regions and in the country centring on big scale manufacturers. The study aims to compile statistics and assess the status of freedom of association, social dialogue, collective bargaining and dispute prevention and settlement in large scale manufacturing/industry in the country. This will serve as a baseline and help to measure and monitor the progress with respect to these components of industrial relations towards the achievement of ensuring decent work for all. It can also serve to observe membership developments in relation to type of union, membership concentration, inter-union competition, changing bargaining behaviour from company or enterprise level to sectoral level, and more.
In view of the above, the ILO with financial support of Denmark Embassy (DANIDA) and in collaboration with Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU) and Ethiopian Employers Federation (EEF) is seeking a qualified international/local consultant and/or consultancy firm to undertake the study.
Interested consultants/consultancy firms with extensive experience in the areas of conducting such researches can collect the detailed TOR of the study from the ILO office and submit their technical and finical proposals in separate and sealed envelopes within ten calendars days from the first date of this announcement.
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