Call for International/ Local Consultancy Service
To Prepare Training package on: Social dialogue; Collective Bargaining; Unionization, Freedom of Association; and Dispute Prevention & Settlement
Sound industrial relations and effective social dialogue are means to create virtuous cycle by translating productivity and competitiveness gains into better working conditions. Despite the enabling policy environment for industrial relations and social dialogue in Ethiopia, institutional framework and capacity for ensuring continuous improvement of working conditions through improved industrial relations, is very week. Limited capacity of the workers’ and employers’ organizations prevents the use of social dialogue platforms and opportunities to improve working conditions and productivity.
In view of the above, the ILO with financial support of Denmark Embassy (DANIDA) and in collaboration with Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU) and Ethiopian Employers Federation (EEF) is seeking a qualified international/local consultant and/or consultancy firm to develop trainer’s guide and learner’s manual on the topics of Social Dialogue; Collective Bargaining; Unionization, Freedom of Association; and Dispute Prevention and Settlement.
The objective of the training package is to standardize the training programmes on social dialogue, collective bargaining, unionization, freedom of association and dispute settlement & prevention provided by CETU and EEF to their members and train TOTs. The consultant will produce the generic training materials in collaboration with small group of trainers, train them as trainers and support them in facilitating a workshop.
How to apply:
Interested consultants/consultancy firms with extensive experience in the areas of Industrial relations and preparing such training manuals can collect the detailed TOR of the study from the ILO office and submit their technical and finical proposals in separate and sealed envelopes within ten calendars days from the first date of this announcement.
For further information, please contact Tel: 251-5444267
Director’s office
ILO Country Office for Ethiopia and Somalia
PO Box 2788
Addis Ababa
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