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Friday, February 19, 2016

Ethiopia: RFP-ETH-2016-9123772- for installation of desalination plant, powered by renewable energy, with reverse osmosis to provide potable water for communiti - Ethiopia


Open for Local and International firm

Consultancy services- for installation of desalination plant, powered by renewable energy, with reverse osmosis to provide potable water for communities from salty groundwater- in Afar Region.

Duration: Six- 12 months depending on the complexity of the technology.

Expected background and Experience of the firm/company: The firm will identify a team leader who will supervise completion of the tasks and the timely submission of the deliverables. The team leader will seek inputs from and regularly liaises with the UNICEF focal point for all important matters related to the assignment throughout the period of its implementation.

Methodology:** the work includes field travel to the site which the desalination plant is going to be installed. Surveying the site, conducting a short data collection on willingness and ability to pay for desalinated water, which will give information on the cost effectiveness of the system. All the activities will be undertaken based on the Government of Ethiopia’s policies, norms, and regulations for water supply and sanitation in rural areas, as well as good practices according to international standards. CSA statistical data will be used for population projection and water demand analysis.

More details of the requirements for this bid can be found in the RFP.

How to apply:

Interested and eligible bidders from local firm/ company are invited to collect the complete tender documents by sending an email to Mr. Sebastian Muzuma ( or Mr. Deresse Damte ( Starting on Wednesday, 24- Feb -2016. Proposals are to be submitted to UNICEF Ethiopia Office on or before 10.00 am (East African Time) 10- Mar- 2016 (Thursday). Please quote the RFP no. 9123772 in all your correspondences. Due to the nature of the bid, there will be no bid public opening for this offer. UNICEF reserves the right to accept or reject part or all of any or all bids. ADDRESS: UNICEF Ethiopia, UNECA Compound, NOF Building, 2nd floor Supply Section, Attn. Mr. Sebastian Muzuma / Deresse Damte, P.O.BOX 1169, TEL: +251-11 518 4233 / 4167, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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