Job Description
USAID-Ethiopia’s Agricultural Growth Program-Livestock Market Development project is a five-year project being implemented as part of the U.S. Government’s Feed the Future (FTF) Initiative. This project is USAID’s contribution to the Government of Ethiopia’s Agricultural Growth Program (AGP). The AGP’s goal “to end poverty and enhance growth” aligns with FTF’s goal to “sustainably reduce poverty and hunger.” The Project aims to foster growth and reduce poverty through improving the productivity and competitiveness of selected livestock value chains: meat/live animals, hides/skins/leather and dairy. Program operations will take place in AGP-targeted woredas of Tigray, Amhara, Oromia and SNNPR, in order to effectively reach large number of smallholder producers. In addition, the project will use and build upon local organizations’ experience and extensive professional and social networks throughout these four regions.
AGP-LMD will be engaged in facilitating policy discussions to alleviate and reform the bottlenecks identified by the different stakeholders. For the reform process to be effective and productive, AGP-LMD, in consultation with stakeholders, will reconstitute Working Groups and designate policy champions for each value chain; these groups will take the lead in policy advocacy and lobbying with government authorities.
In activity-based coordination, AGP-LMD will champion and advocate the establishment of public-private partnership (PPP) in the live animal trading and market management systems. In this regard, AGP-LMD has conducted a policy analysis on the new live animal trading proclamation, as well as a study on dedicated fleet for live animals transport, and on adopting experiences of neighboring countries in managing quarantine stations, livestock markets and municipal abattoirs. These studies have been presented in meetings organized by LMD and the critical findings and recommendations have been validated by stakeholders. The final reports have also been shared with the relevant authorities in the Ministries of Agriculture, Industry and Trade. There is a need, however to follow on the recommendations of the reports so that they will result in changes in policy, approaches and adoption of rationalization of livestock service delivery and PPP in livestock market development and systems.
Description of task
As part of its aforementioned objective and in order to strengthen its evidence based advocacy and lobbying for policy change, AGP-LMD wants to conduct a comprehensive costs and benefits analysis (CBA) of the following PPP initiatives and rationalization of livestock services.
- PPP in the management of international live animal quarantine stations
- PPP in domestic abattoirs management
- Rationalization of animal health services
- Standardization of live animal transportation services
- PPP for Livestock Market Management
- Establishment of dairy board (based on the Kenyan model)
- Livestock Information Tracking Systems (LITS)
- Privatization of AI Services
The results of CBA are expected to lead to informed decision making on the above policy propositions and practical actions. This will in turn result in achieving major project related outcomes of enhancing productivity, efficiency and effectiveness in the livestock marketing activities of LMD’s strategies. In addition the results of the CBA are expected to foster better business enabling environment for the operations of the private sector. Moreover, it is expected to enhance the country’s global competiveness in live animal export and in insuring the safety and quality of meat for domestic consumption.
Closing date: Nov 10, 2015
Rating: 0 votes
–How to Apply
Interested bidders can come and collect instruction to bidders and SoW/detailed TOR before closing business days on November 10, 2015.
Last day to submit quotation is on November 10, 2015. 5:00PM
For further clarification call 0116450077/78/79/80
Office is located at CMC Road in front of Civil Service College Palm Building 3rd floor
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