Consultants for BEmONC training and post training follow up in Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, and Tigray Regions
The Last Ten Kilometers Project of JSI Research & Training Institute, Inc, implements innovative community based strategies to strengthen the link between the Health Extension Program (HEP) of the Ethiopian Government and communities with the aim of creating demand, quality and utilization of high impact reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) care interventions at scale L10k works closely with civil society organizations (CSOs) is 115 rural districts of Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, and tigray Regions and provides these organizations grants and technical support. Through USAID funding, L10K implements, “expanding access to BEmONC care in 345 health centers”.
L10K in its efforts to strengthen maternal and newborn health has included new initiatives with the objectives of improving capacity of referral ends at primary healthcare units (health centers). This will enable health centers to provide timely and quality essential and basic emergency obstetric care nonetheless, to do so, requires building the capacity of providers improving the quality of services, and creating enabling environment for providers. To address these L10K will train healthcare providers on BEmONC and will also have post training follow up of trained providers. The Project is thus, seeking short term consultants for the following post
1. BEmONC Trainers and Mentors
Required Number: 24 (8 for each region)
Place of work: Amhara, Oromia, SNNP, and Tigray regions
Roles and responsibilities:
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