IPE Global is a multi-sector development consultancy firm offering a range of integrated, innovative and high quality services to international agencies and governments to address the global challenges of development. Headquartered in New Delhi, India, IPE Global has regional offices across various locations in India and international offices in Nairobi (Kenya), Ethiopia and London (UK), along and a representative office in Khartoum (Sudan). With over a decade’s experience, we have successfully undertaken assignments more than 350 assignments in over 20 countries across Asia, Europe and Africa. Our list of clients includes DFID, ADB, World Bank, European Commission, UNDP, USAID, ACBF, JBIC, JICA and UNICEF. To know more about our work please visit: http://www.ipeglobal.com/
Project Description
1. The project takes an integrated approach to urban environmental improvement in vulnerable coastal towns of Bangladesh which suffer deficits in basic urban services and are severely at risk to the impacts of climate change. The project will provide climate resilient municipal infrastructure with key investments in water supply, sanitation, drainage, urban roads and bridges, solid waste management, slum improvements, and transport facilities. The project will strengthen local governance and capacity for sustainable service delivery and urban planning as well as improve natural disaster preparedness. The Local Government Engineering Department (LGED), with extensive experience in managing Asian Development Bank (ADB) urban projects, will be the Executing Agency for the Project. Pourashavas (secondary towns) and/or city corporations will be the implementing agencies. A project steering committee, chaired by Secretary LGD, will include key government stakeholders to provide overall guidance during the PPTA.
2. The expected impact of the project will be improved access to municipal services in coastal towns including (i) water supply, (ii) sanitation, (iii) drainage, (iv) urban roads and bridges, (v) solid waste management, (vi) slum improvements, and (vii) transport facilities (i.e., boat landings). The outcome will be populations in coastal towns with more reliable and climate-resilient services. The outputs will be: (i) improved municipal infrastructure with climate-resilient designs; (ii) strengthened local governance and capacity for sustainable service delivery and urban planning; (iii) awareness raising and behavioral change in climate change adaptation and disaster risk preparedness, water conservation, and hygiene activities; and (iv) project management and administration support. The project design will target women and the poor.
3. Climate resilient designs will focus primarily on water supply, sanitation, and drainage subsectors. Climate resilient infrastructure in coastal towns would result in the following: (i) surface and/or groundwater sources complying with government saline standards, (ii) less water logging and flooding, (iii) less environmental pollution from wastewater discharged out of flood prone areas, etc.
Responsibilities include:
Water Supply and Sanitation Specialist/Team Leader (7 person-months) will oversee the tasks described in paras 3-12 of the attached TOR document. The team leader will be an experienced water supply and sanitation engineer with demonstrated experience in leading ADB project preparatory technical assistance in similar projects. As the team leader, in close coordination with the deputy team leader, he/she will lead the TA, and is responsible for overall management and supervision of the study team and quality control of all deliverables. He/she will ensure that all tasks in the TOR are performed, and will coordinate with government counterparts and ADB project officer, and prepare a comprehensive, high quality feasibility study with preliminary engineering designs, and project proposal acceptable to ADB and the government in a format suitable for ADB loan processing. As a water supply and sanitation expert, he/she will be required to (in coordination with other team members) (i) review current status of water supply and sanitation availability, lead necessary feasibility study and make recommendations for improving water availability from groundwater or surface water sources, and propose appropriate sanitation improvements, and assess demands for improvement with consideration to climate change adaptation; (iii) incorporate climate resilience into water supply and sanitation components, where applicable; (iv) estimate costing of relevant components including incremental cost for climate adaptation in water supply and sanitation; (v) propose an institutional and implementation framework for operation and maintenance with special attention to tariffs and financial sustainability; and (vi) propose a appropriate procurement plan for the water supply and sanitation components. The team leader will have at least 15 years of international experiences in water supply and sanitation planning and design work in projects, including in Asia, with a postgraduate degree in civil engineering or related degree. Experiences on working as team leader for complex donor-funded projects, especially those related to climate change adaptation, are highly desirable.
Essential Selection Criteria:
- Previous experience of working in Bangladesh and ADB PPTAs;
- Post graduate in Civil Eng. (Ph.D preferred) with 15+ years of experience in WATSAN;
- Any work experience with LGED would be preferred;
- Experience in designing preliminary designs for watsan infrastructure (If any experience in other areas such as SWM, roads, slum improvement, transport would be preferred) + Preparing feasibility studies + Climate resilience + institutional development and capacity building + cost benefit analysis of subprojects;
- Experience with donors including ADB
Interested experts should send their CVs latest by July 27, 2012. Please mention the project reference number in the mail subject.
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