Terms of Reference for the Purchase of Wireless Routers and other Accessories, Configuration and Installation & for on Job Training for Regional IT Resource Persons
I. A Brief Profile of RiPPLE
Research-inspired Policy and Practice Learning in Ethiopia — RiPPLE is an independent indigenous NGO serving as a key actor and resource center and knowledge management unit for WASH and related sectors, including rainwater harvesting and climate adaptation.
RiPPLE’s mission is to promote/enhance learning on water and related sectors in Ethiopia through action research, networking, policy and practice engagement, knowledge management and capacity building. Its operations are primarily focused on the promotion of improved WASH service delivery, rain water harvesting, and promotion of multiple Use (MUS) of water for domestic use agriculture: small scale irrigation, crop production, livestock use, environmental protection/development, the recharge of groundwater, the promotion of climate resilient green economy, etc. RiPPLE operates among both urban and rural communities.
II. Background Information
RiPPLE in collaboration with UNICEF and government partners is currently implementing the promotion of knowledge management monitoring and evaluation aiming to Integrating WASH, Multiple Use Water Services and Community Based Nutrition for Improved Food Security and Reproductive and Sexual Health Project in 30 woredas of 4 Regions namely Amhara, Oromia, SNNPR and Tigray. The project is designed to respond to the combined risks of chronic malnutrition and poor access to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services and water for local production, thereby contributing to improved food security, child health and reproductive and sexual health outcomes, and in this context, the Government’s Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP).
Since its inception, RiPPLE’s effort has been acknowledged as a resource center and knowledge broker for WASH program in the country. In this project, one of the major activities is establishment of regional WaSH Resource Centers to serve as WASH and related sector knowledge banking for sharing and documenting best practices and experiences. RiPPLE has the intention that the resource centers can alleviate the problem of embedding, sharing and disseminating new and existing knowledge to stakeholders. With this purpose, RiPPLE is under process of establishing resource center at each project region. To fulfill this, it is basic to strengthen computer networked information management system for the resource center so as to create easy access to information and knowledge. RiPPLE therefore, needs to purchase wireless routers and other accessories, undertake configuration and installation of the system and deliver on job trainings to the regional IT persons for efficient management of the system.
III. Description of the Assignment
The service provider/supplier is expected to deliver the following three stated services:
1. Provision of wireless routers and other accessories that includes:
1. D-Link wireless model DIR 805-AC1200 or Above Qty: 1Pcs
2. D-Link Wireless PCI Express Desktop Adapter DWA-548 N300 Qty:12Psc
3. Divider Socket 6 slot with surge protector Qty:12Pcs
4. Stabilizer 1000 watt or Above Qty:9Pcs
5. Server Rack 42U with All Accessories, fun, PDU and others(Linkbase) – Qty: 1
6. Maintenance Tool Kit.
2. Configuration and installation of the system at Addis Ababa, Tigray and Amhara and SNNP regions
I. Domain Server Licensed OS, Windows Installation and Configuration
II. Internet Security Licensed OS, Windows Installation and Configuration
III. File Server Licensed OS, Windows installation and Configuration
IV. Anti-Virus Server Licensed OS, Windows Installation and Configuration
V. All Applications are Licensed like OS Windows Server 2008 or 2012, MS Office… etc.
3. Supply of Kaspersky Anti-Virus Endpoint Security Latest version Admin Kit with Client 80 License covering the following services including Configuration and installation of the system at Addis Ababa, Tigray and Amhara and SNNP regions
Kaspersky Anti-Virus Total Space End Point Security
I. Original Installation CD
II. Installation
III. Configuration
IV. Deploy the license All Clients
4. Provision of on job training for regional IT resource persons with clear justification of the types and methodology of trainings and unit cost offered
IV. Objective of the Assignment
The general objective of the assignment is to establish computer networked information management system for the resource center so as to create easy access to information and knowledge on WASH and related programs for stakeholders.
V. Scope of the Work
The service provider/supplier is expected to accomplish the following tasks:
• Provide detailed specifications for the listed wireless network accessories, latest version antivirus and for the remaining items including any available optional items.
• Configure and install the system and the antivirus in the capital of the four regions namely Oromia, SNNP, Amhara and Tigray.
• Provide on job training to regional IT resource persons.
VI. Deliverables
The following are deliverables expected from the producer:-
• Quality and standard wireless routers and other accessories
• Configuration and installation of the system
• On job training for IT resource persons
VII. Responsibilities of RiPPLE and UNICEF
RiPPLE and UNICEF will have the following responsibilities:-
• Provide the necessary support for the accomplishment of the assignment.
• Monitor and ensure the quality of the materials as per the interest of RiPPLE and UNICEF.
• Effect payments following submission of the required deliverables.
VIII. Profile and Experience of the Service Providers/Suppliers
The service providers/suppliers should have the following qualifications and experience:
1. Experience with provision of reliable network system configuration and installation
2. Experience in delivering training on management of the system
IX. Time frame
The service provider/supplier is required to finalize the assignment within 4 weeks period following the date of commencement of the assignment.
Service providers are required to submit their technical and financial proposal in separate sealed envelopes to RiPPLE’s until May 30, 2015.
• Training types, methodology and unit cost offered to the training.
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