USAID-AGP Livestock Market development Project
Call for Consultancy for Standardization of Domestic Abattoirs
Application deadline: 10 Ten working days from the date of advertisement
USAID-Ethiopia’s Agricultural Growth Program-Livestock Market Development (AGP-LMD) project is USAID’s contribution to the Government of Ethiopia Agricultural Growth Program (AGP) livestock development activities. AGP-LMD is a five-year project implemented as part of the U.S. Government Feed the Future (FTF) initiative. The goal of AGP, which is to end poverty and enhance growth, aligns with FTF goals, to sustainably reduce poverty and hunger. AGP-LMD’s objective is to foster growth and reduce poverty by improving the productivity and competitiveness of two selected livestock Value Chain commodities: Dairy and Meat & Live animals. AGP-LMD is operating in four regions of Ethiopia (Oromiya, Amhara, SNNP and Tigray) that have the largest potential of livestock production. AGP-LMD applies a holistic value chain development approach to ensure that the program transforms the targeted value chains from the infancy stage to maturity, so that they are primed for continued growth and development in a sustainable way.
The program focuses on the middle of the value chain to link the supply, value addition and marketing of the selected livestock commodities, with dairy being more of a local market and the meat and live animal value chains geared towards the competitive export market.
The project envisaged to attain three intermediate results:
1. Increased productivity and competitiveness of the selected livestock value chains
2. Improved enabling environment for livestock value chains
3. Improve quality and diversity of household diet through intake of livestock products.
1. Objectives of the Study
AGP – LMD works on Capacity Building of Public and Private stakeholders in providing services and implementing activities critical to the success of the entire value chain.
The project works with stakeholders on critical enabling environment issues that need to be addressed by the Government of Ethiopia to bring about essential improvements in productivity and competitiveness of the two value chains. The enabling environment issues to be addressed include sets of policies formulation and advocacy, institutional capacity building, action research and coordination of actors. One of the key activities identified in this line is sustainable and effective regulation of domestic abattoirs.
The project will work to build the capacity of public and private institutions to improve meat quality through the development of abattoir grades and standards in terms of capacity, location & design, sanitary conditions, environmental compliance /waste management, equipment selection, quality inspection and condition and hygienic practice of workers among the few. Addressing the current problems related to domestic abattoirs has far reaching implications in ensuring food safety and protecting the public from zoonotic diseases and food borne illnesses.
AGP –LMD is inviting competent team of consultants that can deliver the assignment with the following qualifications:
Qualification 1
• A MSc in Animal Science, Veterinary Medicine, Food Technology or related discipline
• Proven technical and practical experience in the development and implementation of abattoir and meat safety and quality standards.
Qualification 2
• MSc in Architecture
•Experience in architectural design of food related processing outlets will be advantageous
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