2.1 Scope:
The Focus of this evaluation covers Phase I of the NEBE covering November 2009-October 2010. Hence, the evaluation will focus on the activities implemented within the time span indicated above, and involves branch offices as well as stakeholders who directly or indirectly were involved during implementation of the phase.
2.2 Objectives
The sub-programme document proposes that there should be three levels of review of Phase 1. The first is composed of formal review points during Phase I, in February 2010, and after the General elections in May. The purposes of these reviews are:
* To compare actual achievements against previously agreed and specified performance targets.
* To review and if necessary adjust performance targets for the remainder of Phase I.
* To consider the priorities of project activities in the light of the current electoral environment and whether new activities should be undertaken. Formal reviews of the sub-programme covering November 2009 to July 2010 have been undertaken by the PSC upon submission of relevant compiled documents by the NEBE which have identified progress made, challenges, lessons learnt and recommendations.
Following the 2010 general elections, the NEBE is also expected to conduct a post-election evaluationwith input from its staff in headquarters and in the branches, political parties, and reports of domestic and international observers, the media, and other stakeholders. NEBE has been engaged in an intensive post election evaluation since October 2010 which was completed in May 2011 and draft report presented to stakeholders.
Thirdly, there will also be an independent external evaluation to be carried out at the end of Phase I that will assist in evaluating the sub-programme and whether or not the intended outcome can be attained at the end of the three phases. NEBE seeks to recruit expertise to conduct an independent evaluation covering Phase I of the Sub Programme.
The overall objective of this evaluation is to:
* Assess actual achievements of the Phase I of the sub-programme recorded during Phase I against performance targets and Sub –Programme outputs and outcomes
* Identify challenges and lessons learnt
* Provide recommendations to project partners on priority activities of remaining two phases.
Specifically, the evaluation would entail the following:
* Assess what achievements have been accomplished in relation to the targets previously specified for this Phase.
* Review progress towards achievement of results contributing to the over arching outcome and objectives of the sub-programme.
* Assess the sustainability of the results achieved during this Phase.
* Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the technical support given to NEBE during the administration of the general election.
* Assess the degree to which cross-cutting issues like gender, engagement with CSOs and the like are incorporated in the implementation of this Phase. In doing so, a clear gender analysis of the interventions should be done in order to identify what the gaps and challenges were.
* Identify challenges faced during the implementation period.
* Document the lessons learned.
* Provide recommendations concerning prioritization of activities in light of building the capacity of NEBE (including its branch offices) for the coming Phases as well as mechanisms of improving delivery in the future.
Evaluation Criteria - the Evaluation will examine the following:
* Effectiveness of the Sub-programme: The extent to which the stated objectives for Phase I have been achieved. The effectiveness of the programme should be assessed in accordance with the activities, targets, outputs and outcomes detailed in the results framework.
* Sustainability of the Sub- programme: The extent to which benefits of intervention of Phase I have made concrete changes that are likely to continue in the following phases and after the programme phases out.
* Relevance of the sub-programme: The extent to which the sub-programme design and delivery of activities was able to respond to and address the organizational and programming priorities of NEBE, media, political parties, women , other vulnerable groups and other sub programme beneficiaries.
* Efficiency of the sub-programme: The analysis and the evaluation of the overall programme performance, the outputs in relation to the inputs, the financial management and the implementing timetable.
* Coordination of the sub programme with similar and relevant initiatives: The extent to which there has been coordination with other support provided to NEBE.
Expected Outputs and Deliverables:
Major Outputs:
1. An inception report outlining the following:
* A detailed approach and methodology the Evaluator plans to follow in conducting the evaluation;
* A detailed work plan outlining specific activities and actions to be carried out every week
* Data gathering tools and methodologies
* An outline of the evaluation report
* Others deemed necessary to deliver on the outputs of the evaluation. The inception report will be submitted within the first week of the assignment. The inception report will be orally presented to the PSC and would serve the objective of reaching consensus among stakeholders on how the evaluation will be conducted.
2. A Preliminary draft report and presentation to the PSC outlining preliminary findings of the evaluation, lessons to be learnt and recommendations made by the evaluator. The purpose of this session is to provide opportunity for initial reflection and validation and elaboration of the evaluator’s observations and analysis. This is due in two weeks from the submission of the inception report.
3. A Draft Evaluation report: A presentation on a validation workshop with stakeholders where the evaluation report will be discussed. The timeline for this draft evaluation report is a week from the presentation of the preliminary draft report.
4. A final Evaluation report: A Final comprehensive evaluation reportthat incorporates all the comments from NEBE and its stakeholders and covers the requirements of this TOR, will be submitted in a week from the presentation of the draft evaluation report on a validation workshop.
5. Methodology:
The evaluator must employ the following methodologies as well as others that are necessary.
* Desk Review: Review of relevant documentation in relation to the sub-programme. Preliminary list of documents has been listed in page 7of the ToR;
* Consultations with relevant stakeholders: This will include but is not limited to: NEBE Staff and Board members, regional branch offices, political parties, civil society organizations, House of Peoples’ Representatives, House of Federation, Regional State Councils, relevant government departments and agencies such as police, judiciary Ministry of Foreign Affairs, media development partners and UNDP.
* Key informant Interviews
* Surveys: The evaluators may also wish to use this tool for other data collection purposes.
* Field visits if necessary
Tasks and Responsibilties of the Evaluator:
Under the joint supervision of the NEBE and UNDP, and guidance of the PSC, the evaluator will perform the following activities and others that are not listed here but are deemed necessary:
The evaluator will:
* Prepare an inception report and a work plan that will set the evaluation in motion, and submit it to NEBE for approval.
* Conduct a full analysis of all relevant documentation.
* Conduct interviews, surveys as necessary.
* Prepare a draft report and present it to the NEBE.
* Present the first draft on a validation workshop.
* Incorporate comments to be given on the draft report and prepare the final report.
* Submit the final report in soft and hard copies in required numbers within the specified time.
Tasks and Responsibilities of NEBE/UNDP and PSC:
* Recruit the evaluators through UNDP processes.
* Brief the evaluators on what the process entails.
* Provide to the Evaluator the necessary documentation and other information needed.
* Assist by facilitating the support of the necessary persons and entities to the evaluator.
* Provide comments on the draft report in due time.
* Effect payments in due time.
The PSC will:
* Consider the inception report and tentative work plan presented by the evaluator and approve it in due time.
* Provide comments on the draft report in due time.
* Approves final evaluation report and deliberates on how best to make use of the recommendation incorporated therein.
* The consultant would be recruited by UNDP and reports to NEBE and UNDP. The progress update would be shared with the PSC through NEBE.
Duty station:
* The duty station will be Addis Ababa with some travels to the NEBE regional offices.
* The evaluator is expected to complete the evaluation process and submit the report in 30 working days as follows:
No Activity Work weeks Wk1 Wk2 Wk 3 Wk 4 Wk 5 Week 6 1 Arrival and briefing of consultants 2 Inception Report and tentative Work plan preparation and presentation 3 Desk review of necessary documentation 4 Consultations with various stakeholders ( regional offices, DIP Donors, NEBE partners, etc) 5 Presentation of the first draft report 6 Editing of the first draft according to comments of the PSC 7 Validation workshop on the draft report 8 Preparation of the final report and submission
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