The Deputy Chief of Party/Commodities (DCOP/Commodities) shall ensure that Save the Children/Ethiopia’s commodity assisted program portfolio (an estimated $200 million over 5 years) maintains the highest standards of transparency, effectiveness and accountability. The DCOP/Commodities has major responsibility to ensure that SC Ethiopia’s commodity management systems meet or exceed the requirements of SC’s commodity donor – USAID, Office of Food for Peace (FFP) and the Government of Ethiopia, as defined under the Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP). His/Her overall responsibility is to constantly evaluate, refine and improve systems, processes and staff capacities for commodity management of the PSNP program, including commodity management systems across Save the Children US and Save the Children UK, ensuring quality, timely and predictable food transfers to target beneficiaries across 4 Regions of Ethiopia.
The Deputy Chief of Party/Commodities will be responsible for day-to-day management of relevant staff, to logistical support, safety and effectiveness of Title II food commodity storage, transport, delivery, distribution, documentation and reporting in relation to quality program implementation. In coordination with the DCOP/Programs, s/he will also provide technical support and guidance on work in progress, to ensure consistency and quality of outputs as committed to FFP.
S/he will work closely with the DCOP/Programs and the Head of Program Quality to ensure proper utilization of all food and non-food aid commodities. This includes commodity planning in line with the program requirement, manage importation, shipping, survey, port operation, ensure warehousing, transportation, distribution, record keeping, reporting and monitoring. S/He will establish an effective commodity control system and monitoring of commodity movement at all stages of transport, handling, storage, and distribution. As a part of this latter responsibility, the DCOP/Commodities will lead the adaptation and roll out of SC’s system of commodity end use monitoring, across all program areas over the LOP.
The tasks of the DCOP/Commodities include capacity assessments and development (together with other program commodity personnel) in all components of commodity management for Government of Ethiopia offices and staff in all 4 Regions at regional, zonal and woreda levels as well as for other program partners, who are involved in commodity management for this program.
The DCOP/Commodities will manage teams consisting of Save the Children Ethiopia & partners, supervising commodity management, warehouse and logistics staff and provide technical guidance to ensure timely and accurate beneficiary targeting, commodity accounting and reporting and following/complying with the complex rules and regulation for USAID Title II food aid. The DCOP/Commodities helps to standardize, to the extent possible, systems and procedures and to ensure cross-functional learning among MYAP team members, and effective backstopping among team members when circumstances require.
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