Latest Jobs in Ethiopia 2021 - Job Vacancies in Ethiopia - JobsinEthiopia

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Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Action Contre la Faim (ACF) Action Contre la Faim is a non-governmental organisation. It intervenes in 40 countries and implements nutrition and health, food security, water sanitation and hygiene, and advocacy programmes. On the international level, Action Contre la Faim is also present in Paris, London, Madrid, New York and Montreal.
Country: SOUTH ETHIOPIA – Awassa with frequent trips to Moyale

Length of Contract: 1 year


- Overall management of the programs and support activities of the Awassa and Moyale bases in SNNPR and Oromya
- Overall management of the security of the Awassa base
- Continuous strategic analysis of the security and humanitarian context in SNNPR region
- Representation of ACF and liaison with Regional authorities, UN, NGOs at field and regional level
- Human resources Management
- Reporting and communication

Qualification and previous experience:
- At least three years of field experiences in operational management of humanitarian programs
- A proven track record on project management on one of the following topic (Wash, Food Security, Nutrition)
- Excellent capacity of strategic humanitarian context analysis
- Proven record of security and base management in development and post-crisis settings
- Strong management skills and leadership, pro-activity
- Strong communication, networking and representation
- Experiences in capacity building of national staff required
- Basic knowledge of ACF Logistics and Admin procedures is advantageous
- Good team worker, facilitator and mediator

Statut : Employee
- Long-term contract, provided by ACF according to the French legislation.
- All expenses paid on the field: travel out/return, collective or individual accommodation depending on position, meals and hygiene expenses
- ACF will pay for the family living depending on position and mission
- Monthly salary ranging from €1650 to €2150 (depending on relevant experience)
- Allowance of €200 paid on the mission
- Social benefits: Medical, life and accident insurance provided by the institution
- 25 days of annual paid leaves
- 20 days of extra leaves per year (taken as recovery time breaks of one week every 2 or 4 months depending on the mission) + break allowances
- Pre departure training of two weeks, at the HQ in Paris

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