Type of contract: Consultancy contract
Duration: Three months (March - May 2011)
The objectives of the consultancy are as follows:
1. To provide technical support and co-lead with the national consultant to develop the Inter-country Adoption bench-book . This includes but is not limited to provision of internationally recognized documentation related to best practice in intercountry adoption, facilitation of contacts with adoption specialists, academics and/or central authorities that might have documentation that is pertinent to this manual, ensuring that all elements of the adoption process are included in the manual.
2. To ensure that the Inter-country Adoption bench-book is user-friendly, incorporates language that reflects the CRC, the ACRWC, and other pertinent legal instruments related to children’s rights and specifically inter-country adoption.
3. To provide guidance on the development, utilization and understanding of the tools. This includes but is not limited to developing standard operating procedures testing and supporting the development of a training curriculum to accompany the manual to ensure that all actors involved in and utilizing the manual understand how to use the tools thus ensuring implementation and adherence to the contents of the manual.
Expected Deliverables
1. DRAFT outline of the Adoption manual and workplan which should reflect a consultative process involving UNICEF, FFIC, MOWCYA, MOJ and MOFA
2. DRAFT Adoption Manual which should include as a minimum the following chapters:
I. Introduction:
- Background of intercountry adoption in Ethiopia
- Key international and national legal instruments involved in the intercountry adoption process
- Key actors involved in the intercountry adoption process, including governmental and civil society. This should include a workflow chart as at attachment highlighting each of the key actors and their role within the adoption process.
- Recognized gaps and concerns within the current adoption processes
- Reasons for developing the Adoption Manual
II. Roles and Responsibilities of the Federal First Instance Court and the ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs in the Adoption Process
- Description of key actors within FFIC and role within the adoption process
- Work flow chart
III. Determining the Adoptability of the Child
- Ensuring Informed Consent
- Documentation
- Detecting Fraud or Corruption within the Process
IV Subsidiarity Principle
Support of the birth family Extended family care Domestic adoption Other in-country, family-based options
V. Best Interest of the Child Determination
- Definition and reflection within key international and national legal documents
- How it is determined (i.e., what tools are used in the process)
- Who determines best interest determination
- Case examples
VI. Ensuring the Participation of Children in the Inter-country Adoption Process
- Profile of children eligible to voice their opinions before the court and how this is reflected in key international and national legal instruments
- How to facilitate this process, including skills and tools needed by professionals
- Ensuring the child fully understands, according to their evolving capacities, what intercountry adoption means.
VII. Case Examples
Attachments: tools, workflow chart, key job descriptions, copies of international and national legal instruments, etc.
3. Final Inter-country Adoption Bench-book and accompanying tools
4. Training Plan for FFIC and partners regarding content and implementation of the Adoption Manual
5. Final Consultancy Report including summary of training and recommendations for next steps
Timeframe for Submission of Deliverables
- March to April 20111:
• Prepare schedule and scope of work and an outline of the Inter-country Adoption Manual and workplan,
• Review FFIC adoption case files and related literature review of policy, institutional and national legal frameworks related to adoption, along with international best practice of inter-country adoption processing
• Organize consultative meetings with key actors from UNICEF and the FFIC to review plan to gather information for analysis
• Draft Inter-country Adoption Bench-book developed in collaboration with national consultant, reflecting current national legal instruments and recognized best practice, including the accompanying tools.
- May 01: Organize (with assistance from FFIC and UNICEF) and facilitate one day validation meeting to present the draft Inter-country Adoption bench-book to, Federal Supreme Court, MOJ, MOWCY, CHSA, UNICEF, and other stakeholders and comments and suggestions returned to Consultant no later than April 07, 2010.
- May 15: Final version of Adoption Manual submitted for publishing. Training curriculum developed and submitted for final approval
- May 18 - 20: In collaboration with national consultant, facilitate the roll-out of the training in the appropriate use of the Inter-country Adoption Bench-book and tools
- May 30Final Report on Consultancy submitted to UNICEF and the Federal First Instance Court
- Advanced University degree in Law and
- At least five years relevant technical professional experience related to child protection, child welfare, child rights or adoption
- Ability to travel to Ethiopia and work with national actors involved in inter-country adoption and alternative care
- Fluency in English language is required.
- Excellent writing skills, in both local language and English, and experience in publishing programming documents is an asset
- Proven experience working with multiple partners, including federal and regional government structures and civil society
- Familiarity with key international and national legal instruments related to children’s rights and specifically alternative care and adoption
- Ability to demonstrate political/cultural sensitivity and work harmoniously with others
- Ability to innovate and communicate ideas effectively, establish effective working relations and meet deadlines.
- Able to work both in a team and with minimum supervision (i.e., self-motivated and pro-active)
- Ability to present in front of groups and organize and lead trainings
Conditions of Contract
Upon successful delivery of and approval of the aforementioned products a negotiable feewill be paid as:
20% upon signing consultancy contract
60% upon successful delivery and approval of final Inter-country Adoption Bench-book
20% upon submission of final consultancy report
Confidentiality and Copyright
All documents and reports and other such outputs and information submitted to UNICEF and/or the Supreme Court, Federal First Instance Court or Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs and UNICEF under the terms of this agreement shall not be disclosed to any third or other party by the Consultant. The Consultant shall not disclose or use the reports, documents or information to and for the benefit of any other party for purposes unrelated to the present agreement. All outputs, including the source code prepared by the Consultant under this contract shall become the property of the Federal Supreme Court of Ethiopia and the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth Affairs.
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