To facilitate skills portability between origin and destination countries, and foster the recognition of skills and qualifications in selected economic sectors, in migration corridors, the ILO is hiring a service provider for an occupational analysis and feasibility study of designing/ aligning occupational profiles and putting in place skills recognition mechanisms for migrant workers.
This study aims to contribute to enhanced skills portability, resulting in better skills and job matching, improved rights protection and fair recruitment processes, with particular attention to the needs of women migrant workers. The results of this work will also contribute to preparing the grounds for piloting specific labour migration schemes/arrangements in the future between interested origin and destination countries, containing skills components, among others.
Scope of Work:
The focus of the analysis will be on 1 origin country and 2 destination countries corresponding to different economic contexts and 2 different labour migration governance mechanisms:
· Intra-regional migration corridor: Ethiopia – South Africa;
· Free mobility within a regional economic community (IGAD) Ethiopia – Kenya.
The service provider will carry out consultations in all three countries to assess the feasibility of skills and qualification recognition for one selected occupational profile in two selected sectors, one of which will be domestic worker in the care sector. The service provider will be expected to identify and suggest another sector and occupation based on their relevance for migrant workers and on skills demand in the three countries using the following criteria:
̶ A significant number of migrant workers performing work and tasks that the country’s citizens cannot or do not wish to perform;
̶ Stated benefits for recognition of the skills acquired by migrants both in their countries of origin and following migration to the host country;
̶ Political will to encourage skills development in these trades, including for migrant workers and returning migrants (socio-economic reintegration) in the three countries.
̶ The existence and use of occupational standards.
The feasibility study will assess institutional and governance arrangements regarding the development and recognition of skills and qualifications for the selected occupational profiles. Subsequently, it will include an in-depth comparison of the selected occupational standards. The term “occupational standard” can include – depending on country contexts – skills and competency standards, qualifications and assessment standards. The study should clarify terminology and approaches used in each country. Based on the analysis, the study will propose options and recommendations to enhance mutual recognition and/or harmonization of standards for the selected occupational profiles.
The service provider will provide the required deliverables within 2 months & 5 days.
How to apply
The International Labour Organization (ILO) would like to notify your company of a tender recently published on the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) available here:
ADDIS-RFP2021/70 for the provision of Consultancy services conduct feasibility study for putting in place skills recognition mechanisms and conducting an analysis of selected occupational profiles for migrant workers in Ethiopia, Kenya and South Africa.
Your proposal must be received by ILO no later than 15 October 2021, 17h00 EAT.
In order to submit an offer, your company must be registered on UNGM. If your company is already registered, kindly ensure that your company’s contact information is up to date (i.e. email, contact name, etc.). For any queries related to the registration of your company on UNGM, please contact UNGM directly at:
We look forward to your company’s participation.
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