Location: Ethiopia - Benishangul Gumuz Region
• Perform a baseline survey that utilizes data collection techniques (preferable using Personal Digital Assistants’’ - PDA’s), while incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods in establishing key livelihood findings and indicators. Data collected and provided by consultant should be in a form that the consortium M&E staffs can use to develop M&E framework and appropriate tools which should feed into the M&E components and methodology in PIP. The data should also be gender disaggregated in a manner that the project can systematically monitor the progress of the expected results.
• Propose a participatory methodology in developing the experimental design required for undertaking a baseline survey for livelihood and food security within the 7 woredas. This should entail evaluating the thematic focus of the project within the targeted woredas, and determining the appropriate sampling methodology required. The proposed survey design must have sufficient rigor for ensuring the information reported is within the confidence levels required by all parties.
• Develop the necessary documentation/questionnaires for undertaking the survey in consultation with each thematic lead member of the project. Sufficient pre-testing regime will be required to verify the questionnaire is suitable for generating the information required.
• Develop a finalized model for the baseline survey indicating the sampling regime for the proposed study areas; a tested questionnaire; data base and a proposed timeline for undertaking the study.
• Ensure a participatory process in selection of enumerators who will be trained on data collection techniques (preferably using PDAs), reporting and analysis.
• Oversee survey implementation in the target areas – Woreda and Kebeles.
• Develop an appropriate data base and undertake analysis of the data generated,
• Provide statistically significant information regarding the overall livelihood and food security status in the target areas.
• Make suggestions for future data collection and evaluation,
• Identify and compile data gaps related to the PMF and recommend steps to close the gaps through additional data collection or the use of alternative indicators
• Identify of key issues and potential constraints for collection of data to measure the progress and make recommendations for gathering of reliable statistics/data that can be compared with performance indicators
• Provide a comprehensive, clear, and detailed report that includes baseline benchmarks for designing/ finalizing relevant indicators mentioned in PMF for each of expected results
More information re: specific expected outputs, duration of assignment, required competancies can be found at http://www.savethechildren.ca/careers
Instruction for submission of proposal:Interested professions/ institutions are requested to submit the following;
• A letter of interest (LOI) with a short capacity statement of your organization or team.
• A brief proposal outlining how you plan to achieve the objectives as stated in the TOR along with recently updated CVs of professionals. Original signed CVs needs to be submitted.
• A separate financial proposal outlining the overall budget required to achieve the objectives of the TOR. The financial proposal should include all budget items including tax and other associated costs.
• The LOI and Technical Proposal should be in one sealed envelope marked “LOI and Technical Proposal for BSG FSEG Baseline” whilst the Financial Proposal should be in a separate sealed envelope marked “Financial Proposal for BSG FSEG Baseline”. Each envelops need to clearly identify the consultant/ institution from which the proposal has been sent.
Please send the information requested above to the following address on or before March 21st, 2011
The Project Director
Benishangul Food security and Economic Growth project
C/o Save the Children Canada
P.O Box 2304, Postal Code 1250
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Email: contact@savethechildrenca.org
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