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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Deputy Country Director for Ethiopia

Position Summary

The Deputy Country Director (DCD), a key representative of People in Need (PIN) at the country level, is responsible for strategic leadership in ensuring the quality and compliance of PIN’s programmes. The DCD supports the country director (CD) in ensuring compliance with PIN values, policies and the strategy of Relief and Development Department (RDD). The DCD manages risks and along with the Head of Programmes (HoP) and Head of Emergency (HoE) supervises the quality of programme design and implementation. The DCD oversees the management of human resources (HR) and staff development within the Programme unit. In the absence of the CD, the DCD acts as the legal representative of the organisation within the country.

Reporting Relations & Interdependencies with Other Functions

The DCD’s line manager is the Country Director (CD).

The DCD directly supervises the Head of Programmes (HoP), Head of Emergency (HoE), Head of MEAL department and Safeguarding & Protection Officer.

The DCD collaborates closely with the HQ Desk Officers (programme development and implementation; DOs) and Deputy Regional Director (strategic programme development, policy development and quality assurance; DRD)

Duties & Responsibilities Strategic Leadership

As a strategic leader, the DCD:

  • Supports the CD in fulfilling the strategy, vision and mission of the RDD and compliance with core values of PIN;

  • Provides strategic direction to PIN’s programming presence in the country;

  • Supports the CD in the formulation of a country’s strategy in line with the RDD strategy, as well as

  • its implementation and spreading it out through the team;

  • Under the supervision of the CD, ensures that medium-term and short-term plans agreed with the headquarters (HQ) are implemented;

  • Strives for the diversification of financial resources and leads or supervises proposal development processes (depending on the size of the particular country’s programme; this role can be delegated, e.g. to HQ DOs or Advisors);

  • Together with the DOs / DRD, HoP and HoE, she/he initiates new programmes and interventions in new sectors according to the country strategy;

  • Coordinates the engagement of both development and emergency programme teams in linking humanitarian and development programmes to provide a NEXUS approach to PIN’s programme development and coordinates this effort with representation towards donors and partners.

  • Leads the MEAL development ensuring appropriate CFRM mechanisms and Safeguarding and Protection mainstreaming mechanisms are in place and functioning. Ensures that learning mechanisms are established to define evidence based best practice and works with the CD to develop advocacy strategies based on the evidence collected.

  • Strengthens “a local identity” of the country programme and ensures compliance with local rules and regulations.

  • Supports the CD in developing contingency planning and emergency preparedness;

  • With support from the HQ and CD, manages/supervises new emergency responses;

  • Reports on the country’s programme performance to the HQ.

  • Chairs the programme management meetings

Human Resources & Capacity Development

As a leader of the team, the DCD:

  • Promotes team spirit, a culture of respect, personal responsibility, transparency and openness;

  • Ensures all staff are aware, understand and comply with relevant PIN policies and rules, including the Code of Conduct;

  • Is responsible for the recruitment of key programme positions at the national level and contributes to the recruitment done at the HQ level (international staff) where appropriate;

  • Ensures that the capacity development of the departments staff is properly managed and financed and that programme staff can develop their careers within and across programmes;

  • Provides the senior staff under her/his direct supervision with regular feedback and support;

  • Cooperates with the HR department at CP as well as HQ level in recruitment, supporting staff and solving of interpersonal problems;

  • Creates a space and environment for the learning of less experienced staff, volunteers and interns, including both the national as well as international staff within the programmes area.

Representation & External Relations

As a representative of PIN, the DCD:

  • In collaboration and under the supervision of the CD can formally represent PIN towards local authorities, partners, the Czech embassy and donors;

  • is formally as well as informally networking and developing partnerships with all relevant stakeholders in the country for the development and implementation of programmes, especially the Alliance 2015 (if PIN is a leading agency of the Alliance 2015, ensures Alliance coordination mechanisms are in place);

  • Supports the CD and Communication department (focusing on the cooperation with Communication staff based in Awassa) in promoting the PIN brand at the country level, visibility and external communication;

  • takes initiatives in joint programming or advocacy efforts; advocates personally for the interests of our beneficiaries

Quality & Risk Management

As a responsible manager, the DCD:

  • ensures PIN and RDD policies are known and respected;

  • ensures information sharing and coordination within Programme Unit and the CP-HQ communication flow;

  • promotes a culture of learning, ensuring PIN programmes are based on existing internal and external know-how, in close cooperation with her/his direct team oversees CP Feedback tracker - programme part;

  • ensures monitoring and evaluation (M&E) related procedures and functions are in place;

  • Supports the CD in seeking for synergy effects with other relevant stakeholders;

  • promotes participation and accountability towards beneficiaries, local authorities, local partners and donors;

  • ensures a high quality of submitted proposals; according to the size and structure of the country programme, contributes to project development and proposal writing;

  • approves project proposals, contracts and payments according to given thresholds;

  • manages the most important risks related to programme development and implementation and coordinates risk mitigation measures.

  • Ensures well-functioning CFRM and safeguarding mechanisms are in place and regularly reviews their effectiveness;

  • Facilitates relevant and timely reporting via PIN online platform - Case register. When applicable, she/he supports/participates in internal investigation process.

Safety & Security

The DCD is responsible for:

  • striving for the maximum safety and security of staff and beneficiaries and ensures an awareness of the risks;

  • ensures a balance between the accepted level of risk and the urgency of programmes (as per the Risk Management Policy);

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