Plan International African Union and Pan Africa Program Office is seeking consultancy services to conduct the first annual review and planning workshop of the Pan Africa State Accountability Project (PASAP), a multi-partner, multi-level Pan-African project that runs from January 2015 to June 2018. The purpose of the workshop is to undertake a strategic review of the progress of PASAP in its first year of implementation and facilitates planning for the consecutive years through a consultative process involving partners and key stakeholders. The workshop will also address key aspects relevant for the project, mainly on mainstreaming of gender and on M&E.
Venue : Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Workshop dates: 29th August – 1st September 2016 (with a possibility of slight adjustment) Expected Duration of Assignment: 7-8 days (including 2 days before & 1-2 days after workshop).
Objective of the Task The objective of this consultancy is to plan and facilitate the above mentioned workshop in a consultative process involving multiple stakeholders. The Consultant, in consultation with the Project Manager, will prepare the workshop program, facilitate the workshop and produce workshop documentation. Specific tasks of the Consultant include:
· Design a process for facilitating the workshop to generate agreed outputs.
· Work with the Project Manager and Team to develop a workshop program and working documents
· Facilitate the workshop
· Facilitate the review of the workshop proceedings and prepare an edited workshop report.
Submission of the proposal
Interested applicants should submit to Plan International their technical and financial proposals including:
i. A technical proposal, containing:
· The understanding of the Terms of Reference (TOR); the main goals & tasks of this workshop, the proposed approach and methodology, team, detailed timetable, and steps for the task.
· The CV of the proposed consultant/team (education background, expertise and experience in relation with the scope of the task and the geographical location); with a description of why the experience is relevant to the task and how the proposed Consultant/team complements each other as well as how they correspond to the profile; and
ii. A financial proposal for the provision of the services. Proposed fees should clearly state the net of tax and the total gross figure. It should also indicate all other expenses that will be billed as cost with supporting receipts as per Plan International’s expenses policy.
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