Services required: ChildHope UK is looking for a research team to conduct the baseline study of its girls' education project that will support 14,503 marginalised girls (aged 6 - 19) who are either not attending school or are unable to remain in school due to early and forced marriage, unpaid or low paid domestic labour, risky child migration and street-involvement to access good quality transformative education. We are seeking to procure the services of an independent Evaluation Team to design, plan and conduct an evaluation of the project over the next three years. We are looking for researchers to carry out the baseline study between March and June 2013. This baseline will be a stepping stone towards potentially establishing a long-term collaboration in the various research, monitoring and final evaluation aspects of the programme. The deadline for submitting the application is 24th March 2013
Project partners: ChildHope UK and Ethiopian local partner the Organisation for Child Transformation and Development (CHADET) have secured funding from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) for a three year project to support marginalised girls to complete basic education with improved learning outcomes, under the Girls' Education Challenge (GEC) Step Change Window. Further background information on the GEC SCW is available from DFID at:
The project: It will support 14,503 marginalised girls from 30 rural wards (kebeles) to join and remain in primary, lower secondary or vocational education. It will also support 600 school boys to assume the role of 'good brothers', catalysts for positive attitudes towards girls' education, who in turn will influence 36,000 peers and an equal number of adult male relatives. A total of 48,833 men and 12,467 women will be involved in the project as well as 20,250 school girls (age mates of targeted marginalised girls) in a range of ways to achieve the project outcomes. At the end of the three years, the project will improve the physical and learning environment for targeted girls, making school a safer and friendlier place for them to study. It will create recognition within families and communities of the value of girls' education and, essentially, will break down some of the physical barriers that families face due to their own poverty, that often result in girls' education being deprioritised. Families of marginalised girls will be supported to identify and develop business opportunities that will enable them to increase family income. They will also be trained in skilful parenting to encourage them support their daughters education. Recognising that girls (and boys) with disabilities in rural areas face even greater disadvantages, disability will be mainstreamed and the project will specifically include girls with disabilities, for whom enrolment in primary is likely to be most appropriate.
GEC Programme Evaluation Strategy: the Evaluation Team will be required to develop and evaluation approach that is complementary of the GEC programme evaluation approach. Essentially, the GEC Programme Evaluation Strategy proposes a representative population household survey to capture the prevalence of different risk factors and reading and numeracy skills at the baseline stage amongst the general population, an assessment of levels of exposure to the project's intervention and changes in intermediary outcomes (e.g. attitudes) at the midline stage and assessment of the outcomes achieved at the endline stage.
The Evaluation Team will provide an independent and rigorous evaluation and research function, designing and implementing a framework which will assess the process of delivery, effectiveness, VfM and impact of the project and report the findings and lessons learnt throughout the process. i) It will also provide detailed contextual information / situational analysis of girls' rights to education in Ethiopia to help refine the project theory of change and intervention strategy. ii) Gather relevant baseline data for key project indicators to enable changes in beneficiaries' lives to be measured over the course of the project. The baseline study design needs to identify samples that enable the project to track key changes and effects amongst target groups from the baseline stage and at future points in time throughout the life of the project. iii) Refine the project's evaluation strategy and develop recommendations for on-going project monitoring, learning and rigorous final impact assessment
Qualifications: bidders are required to clearly identify and provide CVs for all those proposed in the Evaluation Team, clearly stating their roles and responsibilities for this evaluation. The proposed evaluation person / team should include the technical expertise and practical experience required to deliver the scope of work and evaluation outputs, in particular, with regards to:
Evaluation design: design and plan the evaluation approaches and research methodologies, including quantitative and qualitative research methods - the team should include skills and expertise required to design, plan and conduct impact evaluation, potentially using experimental or quasi-experimental techniques;Relevant subject matter knowledge and experience: knowledge and experience required (e.g. education sector, gender, non-state actors, private sector education) to ensure that the evaluation design and research methods are as relevant and meaningful as possible given the aims and objectives of the project and the context in which it is being delivered;Evaluation management: manage a potentially large-scale and complex evaluation and research process from end-to-end, including conducting and reporting a baseline study and final project evaluation report;Primary research: design, management and implementation of primary research in potentially challenging project environments, such as fragile and conflict affected states - this could include the design of longitudinal household panel surveys, EGRA /EGMA tests, in-depth interviews, focus groups, etc.;Country experience: it is particularly important that the team has the appropriate country knowledge /experience and language proficiency required to conduct the research required;Information management: design and manage data and information systems capable of handling large datasets for M&E purposes;Statistical analysis: a range of statistical modelling and analysis of impact data; highly proficient user of: SPSS or STATA; and qualitative data analysis software e.g. ATLAS.ti, NVivo or equivalent; andVfM assessment of education projects: education economics expertise to conduct cost benefit analysis and cost effectiveness analysis as part of the assessment of the project's VfM. Organisational experience: bidders should provide evidence of previous project experience for the provision of similar evaluation services and the design and implementation of similar evaluation activities required by this ToR.For details, please refer to the attached Terms of Reference.
How to apply:
Please send queries and applications to: Allan Kiwanuka - Strategic Partnerships and Programmes Manager, ChildHope UK Email: (please copy in your correspondence)
Tel: + (44) 20 7065 0957 from UK and abroad. The deadline for applying is 24th March 2013.
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