Plan International invites bids from consultants or firms with the experience and skills as described on Safe and quality education for girls and boys in displacement situations in Ethiopia and Somalia project Final Evaluation TOR
Click here to download The TOR
Rationale Purpose of the Evaluation
Plan International is seeking to procure the services of an Evaluation Team to design, plan and conduct a mixed-methods, gender-sensitive endline study and final evaluation for the BRICE project in Ethiopia and Somalia.
The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess the success of the project’s design, delivery and results[1] and explore reasons why change occurred for the beneficiaries and other project stakeholders. The final evaluation will also be forward-looking and will identify, document, and publish lessons learned and best practices for both accountability towards the donor, European Commission, and for informing future intervention models, management, and delivery approaches of Plan International and its partners.
Evaluation Criteria
The main focus of the evaluation is to demonstrate evidence on the achievement of outcome level change, their barriers and enablers, and the replicability of the model. As such the criteria of relevance, effectiveness and sustainability will be the key priorities.
In addition, when discussing findings, the consultants should bear in mind that this is the end line evaluation of this project, with about 12 months remaining up to the end of the project, (a 10-month No Cost Extension currently under discussion with the donor). However, most of the activities will be concluded by mid-2022.
This is an external final project evaluation to assess if the project met its objectives from March 2018 to December 2022 and will cover all outcomes of the BRiCE project, with particular attention the DAC criterion to coherence and synergies across components and participating agencies and partners. The evaluation will assess all key outcomes and outputs that have been produced since the start of the project. The evaluation will also assess the implementation of the recommendations made by the EU Results Oriented Monitoring missions and the mid-term evaluation recommendations.
The BRiCE project end in Somalia in February 2022 and has received a no cost extension for Ethiopia and the research component and will be extended by 10 months until December 2022. Therefore the evaluation will be divided into three phases according to the time when the project is closed: (Phase 1) a company will collect data in Somalia before RI closes everything, and the company is expected to complete it in February 2022. In the second phase, the company will be able to continue collecting data in Gambella/Ethiopia in the spring around June 2022 (before school closure). In the third phase, the company also will continue to collect data with Project UK, Sussex, research partners and PIE in the summer and fall of 2022. The detailed timetable is attached with this ToR.
[1] Design = Logframe (incl. outcomes, outputs, risks and assumptions); Delivery= Implementation approaches, management, partnerships, adaptations (including adaptations to COVID) etc; Results= specific indicators from the logframe (related to the satisfaction of the beneficiaries) and additionally perceptions of different users/beneficiaries
How to apply
Please submit your application documents to no later than 8:00 PM UK time on 7th January 2022 referencing “ Endline Evaluation for BRICE ” in the subject line and including support documents as outlined above.
Plan International invites bids from consultants or firms with the experience and skills described above. Please submit the following application documents to no later than 8pm UK time on 7 January 2022 referencing “Endline Evaluation for BRICE” in the subject line and including support documents as outlined above.
Interested applicants should provide a proposal covering the following aspects:
Full name and contacts (mobile and email) of the leading evaluator who will be also the contact person for further communications.
Detailed response to the TOR including:
Proposed methodology, including outline of evaluation design and sampling approach.
Quality Assurance plan that sets out the systems and processes for quality assuring the evaluation and research process and deliverables of the project from start to finish
Ethics and Child Safeguarding approaches: applicants are required to set out their approach to ensuring complete compliance with international good practice with regards to research ethics and protocols;
Comprehensive Risk Management plan;
Detailed workplan for the proposed timeframe.
CVs of each member of the Evaluation Team (no more than 3 pages), detailing relevant skills and experience;
Two examples of relevant previous work undertaken by the Evaluation Team (involving both quantitative and qualitative analysis);
Detailed budget, including:
Sub-total of fees for the delivery of any task or deliverable, broken down by the number of days for each individual study team member against the tasks set out in the work plan;
Total fees per team member;
Day rates for each team member, against the total number of days per team member;
Expenses and overheads break down by the project cost categories;
Total costs before and after any taxes that are applicable;
The Evaluation Team are required to provide a payment schedule based on milestone payments for the successful delivery of each deliverable.
References: Please provide two references who we may contact to discuss experiences of working with you as an evaluator(s).
Applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.
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