Terms of Reference for National Consultant
Contract for the illustration of Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) training materials in Ethiopia
1. Background and justification
The COVID-19 pandemic has moved rapidly beyond an international health pandemic to heralding a global socio-economic crisis. It is having an unprecedented impact on all countries, both in terms of prompting the scaling of public and private health preparedness, response and protection of vulnerable populations and in terms of requiring mitigation of broader social and economic impacts. Migrant workers are often the hardest hit when economic crisis occur, because of precarious and short-term contracts, lack of social protection and their vulnerable status in the sectors they are working in, usually low paid and informal. In most migrant hosting countries, with increasing lockdowns and businesses closing, layoffs are targeting migrant workers. As a result, Ethiopia has received around 62,000 returned migrants between beginning of April 2020 to end of June 2021 from neighbouring countries and the Middle East.
Mass deportations deteriorate the despairing situation of migrants and is posing enormous challenges to the Ethiopian Government who are making efforts to create safe environment to receive their returning nationals and to support their socio-economic reintegration. Migrants returning home, especially in such unexpected circumstances of COVID-19, often face a number of challenges, in particular lack of decent livelihood opportunities and stigmatization. Many returnees come back empty handed, as their earnings were used for consumption and remittances to their families. Moreover, as the return was unexpected, unplanned and sudden, some even was returned with unpaid wages and benefits. Their return has also affected their entire family as the remittance they use to send have stopped with their return, in addition, the returnee themselves is additional burden in the scarce resources available for the household. COVID-19 induced returns have also had an impact on the country’s economy, due to loss of remittances as well as additional pressure on the already strained labour market of the country.
The Government of Ethiopia (GoE) and partners are providing emergency support and managing COVID-19 quarantine centers but face multiple challenges in providing subsequent social and economic reintegration support services to returnees. ILO assessments (2014, 2018)[1] indicated that challenges hindering returned migrants’ reintegration include lack of jobs/employment; lack of financial support to initiate micro or small enterprises (92%); lack of training (58.7%); lack of business
development services (28.4%); lack of access to government services (41.2%). Furthermore, the assessments found that returnees faced vulnerabilities such as food insecurity due to inadequate or absent income and to the unavailability of social security and support upon return. These are critical areas that ILO support will address in close collaboration with the government, social partners and other organizations.
Within the context of the current crisis, the question of return and reintegration of migrants is at the forefront of the Ethiopian political discourse, as it is a concern in regards to containing the spread of the virus as well as supporting their nationals to access employment back in Ethiopia. In order to support the Government of Ethiopia, the ILO through its FCDO funded project on “*Better Regional Migration Management*” is planning to provide comprehensive support to ensure successful reintegration of returning migrants– from providing immediate assistance upon their return home through cash transfers, to ensuring longer-term economic reintegration empowerment.
An integral part of the project is the roll-out of ILO’s entrepreneurship training programme, the Start and Improve Your Business (SIYB) programme, reinforce entrepreneurial and business management skills of returnees. The intervention also plans to assess the need to implement a newly designed training product for entrepreneurs planning to start a food processing business – Improve Your Food Processing Business (IYFB). The aim of the training is to provide entrepreneurs with knowledge and skills to increase their chances of successful start-up. The ILO’s Generate Your Business Idea (GYB) and Start Your Business package (SYB) training package already include extensive content on business management topics – such as HR, marketing, finance, and business planning topics - which is already used to train food processing entrepreneurs. The new training package will add material (modules/sections) which will be used in combination with the SIYB package, by adding industry-specific considerations, namely food safety, food quality, food product design and food processing. Part of the new training package includes the adaptation of appropriate illustrations from the SIYB manuals to better reflect the food processing focus of the training manual. As such, an illustrator is needed to produce these cartoon drawings. Hence, the ILO country Office for Djibouti, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan and Somalia is seeking to hire a qualified illustrator to deliver on the cartoon drawings based on the SIYB manuals.
2. The assignment
The objective of the assignment is to adapt illustrations from the SIYB manuals to better reflect the food processing focus of the training manual.
3. Output
The consultation concerns the adaptation of the illustrations to the food processing sector and to the target population of the project according to the following distribution:
Entrepreneur level materials
Generate Your Busines Idea - food processing 17
Start Your Business - food processing 13
IYB Buying and Stock Control - food processing 5
IYB Costing - food processing 6
IYB Marketing - food processing 12
IYB People and Productivity - food processing 6
IYB Planning for your business - food processing 1
IYB Record Keeping - food processing 0
Total 60
The consultant will be required to submit illustrations for each module as they are developed.
Output 1 - The first module to be adapted is "Generate Your Business Idea (GYB)" which the consultant will submit for approval to proceed with the adaptation. The ILO will comment on the illustrations within 2 days.
Output 2 - The second module to be adapted is "Start Your Business (SYB)" which the consultant will submit for approval for further adaptation. The ILO will comment on the illustrations within 2 days.
Output 3 - The six "Improve Your Business (IYB)" modules will be submitted for approval on an ongoing basis until the deadline of 28 November 2021. For each of the modules the ILO will comment on the illustrations within 2 days.
4. Payment schedule
First payment will be 20% of the total budget and will be disbursed after the consultant has signed and a workplan is submitted.
Second payment will be 30% of the total budget and will be disbursed after the consultant has submitted output 1.
Third payment will be 30% of the total budget and will be disbursed after the consultant has submitted output 2.
Final payment will be 20% of the total budget and will be disbursed after the consultant has submitted output 3.
5. Confidentiality Statement
All data and information received from ILO for this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection with the execution of these Terms of Reference (TOR). All intellectual property rights arising from the execution of these ToRs are assigned to the ILO. The contents of written materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be disclosed to any third parties without the expressed advance written authorization of the ILO.
6. Timeline
The work will be carried out in 14 days, between 15 November 2021 and 28 November 2021.
7. Minimum qualification & experience required for the consultant
· Bachelor's degree in fine arts or similar field.
· Portfolio of completed illustrations.
· Five or more years of work experience as an Illustrator, graphic designer, or similar.
· Expertise in using computer-aided design (CAD) software.
· Drawing, painting and digital drawing skills.
· Expertise with image editing and design softwares such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.
· Strong conceptual and artistic skills.
· Previous experience and expertise in working with ILO or sister UN agencies or International organizations in similar assignments with proven track record.
8. Reporting
· The consultant will report to the Chief Technical Advisor in ILO Addis Ababa Office.
9. Evaluation Criteria
Technical Proposal ( Evaluation Criteria with Maximum mark)
The depth and quality of response to ToR (Demonstrated understanding of the context and familiarity with labour migration 20
Technical compliance with the ToR (Clear understanding of the task and expressed methodology and creative approach to the assignment) 30
Qualification and experience of the consultant, evidence of qualification and prior experience, evidence of experience in similar assignment and experience working with ILO or sister UN agencies or international organizations 25
Proposed work and management plan (Does the work plan include all deliverables with timeline? Has the consultant provided a portfolio of completed illustration? Is the proposed work plan feasible for the consultant to deliver the work per the timeline provided? Does the proposed work plan align with the advertised ToR & timeframe? 25
Maximum Points 100
Minimum Acceptable Score for the Proposal to be considered for Financial Evaluation. 60
Weight:- Technical proposal 70% and Financial evaluation 30%
[1] Needs Assessment of KSA returnees, ILO, 2014 https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---africa/---ro-abidjan/---sro-addis_ababa/documents/publication/wcms_670539.pdf and https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---africa/---ro-abidjan/---sro-addis_ababa/documents/publication/wcms_646291.pdf
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