JOB TITLE: Advocacy Advisor Consultant - Humanitarian and Education
TYPE OF CONTRACT: 3 month consultancy
The Advocacy Adviser Consultant will lead our influencing work in the African Union (AU) on humanitarian issues, peace and security and education - engaging widely with the AU Commission and delegations, and civil society organisations active in this arena. He or she will make a key contribution to our global advocacy success in these thematic areas, especially our organisational breakthrough of ensuring that children in humanitarian crises have access to a quality education
- AU Liaison & Pan Africa Office
- Strategy implementation
Lead the implementation of an ambitious strategy
inspired by:
- the emerging trend of violation and abuse of the rights and welfare of children affected by armed conflicts in Africa. In particular, prioritise the protection of education from attack by armed groups
- the demand for sustained investment for humanitarian education
- the humanitarian advocacy capacity needs of Save the Children Country Offices in Africa
- an analysis of the key and influential actors in the African Union
- Humanitarian and Education Unit in AULPAO
Lead the operation of a humanitarian and education advocacy unit with broad ranging mandates including but not limited to the following key components:
- Protection of Education and Safe School Advocacy- Safe School Guidelines Advocacy, Policy Reforms & implementation
- Humanitarian Child Protection Advocacy-*children affected by natural disasters, children participating in armed conflicts (victims), sexual abuse of children* during armed conflicts
- Humanitarian Education Investment Advocacy-*Resource mobilization and sustained investment in Refugee Education advocacy*
- Driving internal synergy
Establish a mutually supportive relationship with the Child Rights Governance function in the AULPAO
- Engaging with Advocacy Offices in Geneva, Brussels and NY
Motivated by opportunities for accessing global information, technical support and funding opportunities, build and sustain mutual relationships with key contacts in these offices.
- West &Central as well as East and Southern Africa Regions
Building relationships with the Regional Advocacy key contacts to enable Country-
Office Regional Office-Continental level advocacy engagements
- Humanitarian Advocacy Working Group (HAWG)-SCI UK
Engage with the group for information sharing and technical support by participating in the weekly meetings and/or through engaging individual members.
- Education Global Initiative-SCI
Engage collectively and/or bilaterally with the global team based on an analysis of where to access strategic technical support as well as for AU-Global level information sharing and learning.
- Save the Children, Members
Identify and engage selected contacts based on their interest of contributing to the achievement of the humanitarian and education strategic objectives in Africa.
- Advocacy at the Africa Union
- a) Engaging the AU Peace and Security Architecture
- Promote a closer collaboration between the PAO and the Committee of Experts through establishing a working relationship with the Secretariat to further leverage CAAC issues in Member States, especially ensuring safe schools in CAR and South Sudan.
- Work closely with the Child Protection function of the PSC to enable understanding of the dynamics of decision making in the AUPSA that helps in leveraging CAAC issues.
- Identify and target key PRC members to champion the safe school agenda, especially in CAR and South Sudan
- Establish a working relationship with the Peace Support Operations Division (PSOD) that promotes knowledge and inventory on policy decisions/outcomes on safe schools and identifies policy gaps for a possible review.
- Collaborate with the Defence and Security Division of the PSOD in creating awareness among Member States on the Safe School Guidelines.
- Identify and collaborate with key initiatives/projects in PSOD that have the potential of protecting the rights and welfare of children affected by armed conflicts in The Regional Initiative on LRA and the Office of the Special Envoy of Women (Children) ,Peace and Security.
- b) Engaging at the Political Affairs Department
- Advocate for the promotion of inter departmental collaboration that promotes policy outcomes on the protection of education from attack during armed conflicts
- Actively participate in cluster meetings to advocate for the prioritisation of child protection in the Protection of Civilians agenda
- c) Engaging at the AU Education Science Technology and Innovation Department
- Identify and target Education cluster platforms to influence policy decisions in favor of quality learning outcomes for children in Africa
- Actively participate and influence policy platforms in favour of: sustained and more investment in education and especially during emergencies; protection of education from attack during emergencies; stronger inter -departmental collaboration between education and the humanitarian divisions for ensuring safe schools policy outcomes and implementation in Member States
- d) Engaging at the AU Commission
Strategically target the Office of the Chairperson and/or other Commissioners, informed by an analysis that assures the best use of time and the greatest advocacy opportunity.
- e**. Collaboration with NGOs/CSOs working with the AU**
Identify child focused and like -minded Humanitarian/Education/peace and security NGOs and establish a workable mechanism of collaboration that ensures relevant information sharing and facilitates joint advocacy actions during key moments/ opportunities at the AU level; ensuring that this relationship also re-enforces partnerships at local-national-RECs levels, if possible
The Advocacy Advisor will:
- Advocate for change with key AU policy makers and decision makers on humanitarian, peace and security and education agendas (and on the interface between these issues)
- Build and maintain advocacy networks with influential allies, within the AU and among civil society, recognising that we cannot achieve the change we want by ourselves
- Deliver ambitious plans to engage and influence the AU on humanitarian and education agendas, in line with agreed organisational objectives, and provide strategic insight to help shape wider Save the Children advocacy efforts in these areas
- Build profile and credibility for Save the Children, by being a convincing spokesperson for the organisation, a source of knowledge and analysis, and through personal commitment to our values and mission
****Be a strong member of the Addis team**, actively participating in building a strong global advocacy office that is networked within the wider organisation and has strong links to Africa Country Offices, the other advocacy offices and members**
How to apply please use, since the prevous link used on ethiojobs is no more functioning. (But now I have edited that as ethijobs called Mehebuba and informed her)