Were the capacity building efforts and collaboration effective in terms of policy formulation
and system setup regarding child protection at national and regional level?
The Consultant will follow the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) evaluation criteria’s of Appropriateness/Relevance, Effectiveness, Impact and
Sustainability. Annex 1 of the ToR contains a non-exhaustive list of evaluation questions of
particular interest. The questions will be further developed and refined by the consultant in
discussions and cooperation with the IOM SLO Addis Ababa Mixed Migration Unit (MMU) and
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) staff in Ethiopia.
The primary audience of the evaluation is the IOM offices in Addis Ababa, Djibouti, Yemen and
relevant Government counterparts, other national and international stakeholders in these
countries and the donor.
The Consultant in collaboration with Migration Management Unit and M&E officer in Addis
Ababa will develop the final methodology for the evaluation which will be included in the
inception report. The methodology will have to combine both quantitative and qualitative tools
and will be used where possible in participatory way. The methodology will at least consist of:
• Review and analysis of project proposal, and reports
• Discussions and interviews with project teams in the three countries
• Focus Group Discussions with communities
• Key informant interviews with government officials and donor
• Observation Knowledge, Attitude and Behavioral/Practice survey among targeted beneficiaries
Time Frame
The consultant will be required to undertake the exercise for a maximum duration of 35 working
days, within a period of two months. The indicative timetable is as follows:
• One week to review project documents (proposal and periodic reports);
• One week to complete the inception report
• 15 days to conduct field studies;
• 7-10 days to write and submit a draft report, incorporate comments from stakeholders, and
I. The Inception report will contain the following:
•Evaluation matrix lining out the subsidiary evaluation questions
•Sampling plan
•Draft data collection tools (Forms, topic guides for FGD etc.)
•Draft work plan
II. The consultant will organize a debriefing workshop to validate and discuss the provisional
findings with the evaluation team in Addis Ababa.
III.The evaluation report will be submitted in English. It shall contain no more than 40 pages
(excluding annexes). The report shall contain a general summary and sections covering the
methodology, the analysis and the main findings and recommendations. Recommendations
have to be concrete and applicable as per the role, mandate and technical capacities of the
Governments, IOM and other partners, and should take into considerations the specific
protection constraints for the targeted group of UAMs (in particular data protection). The report
must answer the evaluation questions that will be finalized at the inception stage.
IV.Debriefing session and final report must be submitted within 7 days after receipt of comment
on the draft report.
Management and Supervision
The Consultant – Counter-trafficking in Persons (Migrant Children) will work closely with IOM
evaluation working group (National M&E officer, and MMU key staff) and with the technical
support from IOM’s Evaluation unit in Headquarters when required.
Required Qualifications and Experience:
• An advanced degree in any of the Social Sciences discipline with a relevant emphasis on
statistical analysis.
The Consultant should be knowledgeable in end of project evaluations methodologies, with
excellent knowledge of the national legal frameworks, child protection policies in the
implementation countries, irregular migration and challenges in the region. He/she should at
least possess working experience particularly in Ethiopia, Yemen, Djibouti, Horn of Africa/IGAD
region and/or having worked for regional/ or international organizations with irregular migration
and child protection related functions and responsibilities. Preference will be given to individuals
or companies with proven relevant experience in undertaking a task of similar magnitude, and
shall preferably, among others, have the following qualifications and experience:
• At least 10 years of professional working experience, preferable at the national level (in
Ethiopia, Yemen, or Djibouti), regional or international levels on irregular migration, child
protection, human trafficking and migration management matters.
• Up-to-date knowledge of current evaluation tools and methods and proven experience in the
use of these tools
• Proven track record to work in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment is necessary
• Ability to meet deadlines.
Fluency in English and French is required. Working knowledge of Amharic language is an
Desirable Competencies:
• Accountability – takes responsibility for action and manages constructive criticisms
• Client Orientation – works effectively well with client and stakeholders
• Continuous Learning – promotes continuous learning for self and others
• Communication – listens and communicates clearly, adapting delivery to the audience
• Creativity and Initiative – actively seeks new ways of improving programmes or services
• Leadership and Negotiation – develops effective partnerships with internal and external
• Performance Management – identify ways and implement actions to improve performance of
self and others.
• Planning and Organizing – plans work, anticipates risks, and sets goals within area of
• Professionalism – displays mastery of subject matter
• Teamwork – contributes to a collegial team environment; incorporates gender related needs,
perspectives, concerns and promotes equal gender participation.
• Technological Awareness – displays awareness of relevant technological solutions;
• Resource Mobilization – works with internal and external stakeholders to meet resource needs
of IOM.
Application for the Consultancy Service must include the following
• Technical proposal including outline of evaluation framework, methods, proposed time frame,
work plan and comments on the ToR if any,
• Financial proposal including daily consultancy fee, costs of international travel,
• CV(s) with qualifications, experience, contact details and evidence of past evaluations
• Two references of previous clients for evaluations, including the contact details and
relationship to the consultant
Annex I: Specific evaluation questions
The evaluation should address but is not limited to the following list of questions, which will be
reviewed at the inception phase:
Were the project objectives and deliverables consistent with and supportive of Governments’
priorities, and beneficiaries’ needs?
Are coordination, and management arrangements of the project clearly defined and do they
support institutional strengthening and local ownership?
To what extent were activities implemented as per schedule and available budget? If delays are
noted, how were they addressed without compromising quality of services delivered?
Were the actions taken by communities effective to prevent irregular migration?
How is the protection concerns of migrant children between relevant actors in origin, transit and
destination countries managed/addressed – specify this project’s contribution to this end?
What are the percentages of targeted migrants or potential migrants who demonstrate
knowledge of safe migration procedures, the risks of irregular migration, and secondary
migration as part of contribution of the project?
What are National/local referral mechanisms in each country established in this project,
including Mixed Migration forums to manage migration effectively?
Measure the effectiveness of the approach taken by the project
Significance of the regional dialogues in fostering coordination and better understanding of
migration management in the region.
Outcome and Impact
What positive and negative changes have the project brought? What measurable differences
has the project brought to the targeted beneficiaries?
What are the noticeable changes in the Government and non-government actors’ knowledge
and practice of child protection in a migration management context?
What major improvements have been brought to the legal and regulatory frameworks of the
three countries with regard to the protection of migrant children (UAMs, and SC) in particular
and child protection in general?
Did UAM and Separated Children receive child-focused assistance at Migration Response
Centers (MRCs) and how sustainable is the assistance provided through this project?
Grassroots initiatives mobilized by community will they continue relevant after the project , or will they be sustainable?
Are Governments’ institutions sufficiently resourced and trained to mitigate child trafficking issue in their respective countries?
How sustainable will be the Anti-Trafficking committees at national and regional levels for
managing migration and protection of UAMs and SC migrants in the national plan
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